Day 5) Shoulders
Warm Ups:
Ran with my dog
External rotations for the rotator cuff 5lbsx80reps(40 ea arm)
Barbell OHP:
Lateral Raises:
25x13 (Super-Strict)
Reverse Laterals:
15x3x20 (SUPER strict. Hold at the top and everything)
*Notes - Disappointed that I couldn’t even get a 135x3x10 for my OHP, but we all have to start somewhere I guess. The OHP started out strong and I didn’t even really feel it after my 1st 10 reps, but after the first set came a decline. Probably just because I’m not conditioned to lift right now (I haven’t worked out in FOREVER). My lateral raises were all pretty strict, however, I didn’t hold the movement at the top so I dropped the weight at the end of the 3 sets and did one with a couple second hold at the top. I didn’t swing or do anything worth of it to be considered “cheating”. This work out today confirmed my belief that having a full blown arm work out with 6 sets of triceps is way to much. My triceps were so sore the OHP was that much harder. I’m probably just going to tag skull crushers along with either my chest or shoulder day to prevent a take away from training.
All in all it was a fun day.
@ Spock - Looks like you have your work cut out for you haha. I don’t think you will be as intimidating as batman. You’re just way too nice and you don’t have a malignant throat tumor xD. I love Alfred. Alan Shearman(?) is a great actor.
@ Jonty - I always take advice. The absolute worse handicap a human being can ever acquire is to be narrow minded. If anyone more experienced than myself offers to take time out of their day to give me advice - the generosity would be well received.
*Conditioning workouts - I was finishing up summer school this week so I didn’t have a lot of time to do anything other than getting a lift in. Starting Saturday (the day after summer school ends) I’ll be doing the classic wrestling conditioning which consists of: Sprints, running, ladders, intervals, and of course wrestling for extended periods of time. I plan on working up slowly. I’m not a huge believer in “over-training”, however, I remember the first year I joined the team. I did no cardio and just weight lifted and the second I got on the mat BAM for the first month I dreaded every day because I thought I was going to have a heart attack every time I got up there. Every day I got beat up by the seniors and ran/sprinted until I couldn’t breath by the coaches orders. Sure enough I got better and when I left the season I could run a 7:10 mile @ 236 lbs (I wasn’t always a fat ass xD). Best shape ever. BUT IT WAS FUCKING MISERABLE! So I want to slowly work my way up to that kind of shape instead of diving right in because it’s hard to push yourself with out friends playing around with yuh (“c’mon heavy weight! Don’t be a pussy!” hahaha)
*Am I getting on the mat - No, I don’t have a mat. I train in the back yard on soft dirt with knee pads and elbow pads. I do practice regularly, though. I plan on going to other schools for open mats though.
*The Season - I moved states and was put in a private school for snobs. It’s a great education opportunity, but the downside is that it’s incredibly small and it has no sports. So, I’m signing up for club for the greco/free-style season this year. I also plan on going to open tournaments.