In the past few months, I’ve come to realize two things.
1: My friends are getting older
2: I’m still acting the same (awesome)
Recently I’ve started to notice some trends coming from my friends that are becoming such a pattern that it’s annoying and making it pointless to go hang out. I can sum up 90% of the conversations I’ve had with certain people in this one conversation.
Me: “Hey XX, whats happening?”
Them: “Ugh…nothing. Working my ass off. (Then they go into wicked detail about everything they did that week at work, none of which I can relate to) I’ve just been so tired lately.”
Me: “You should probably get some more rest man, you sound beat.”
Them: “Yeah, and I spent all weekend cleaning (300sq ft apartments)and shopping (buying material things in order to be able to say they have a certain item). Whats up with you?”
Me: “Not too much, eating, sleeping, lifting and working…same ol’ shit” (Not getting into too much lifting detail because I’d either loose them or they don’t care so I don’t share)
Them: “Crazy man, your nuts with your lifting. I couldn’t do that, I’m too busy/list-of-other-reasons-they-justify-not-lifting.”
Me: “Oh well, it’s what I do for fun in life.”
Them: “Oh, speaking of fun; have you seen XXX on tv?” (A list of TV shows ‘they’ watch are then listed and briefly described with a sparkle in their eye)
I’ll end it there.
But seriously…I’m getting so bored with people that only care about material items and are so attached to their TV/computer they can’t see the real world revolving around their feet.
It makes me sad to see such a large number of my friends melting into one singular entity. Friggin society.
That’s my rant for today.