Friends Getting Older Sucks

In the past few months, I’ve come to realize two things.

1: My friends are getting older
2: I’m still acting the same (awesome)

Recently I’ve started to notice some trends coming from my friends that are becoming such a pattern that it’s annoying and making it pointless to go hang out. I can sum up 90% of the conversations I’ve had with certain people in this one conversation.

Me: “Hey XX, whats happening?”

Them: “Ugh…nothing. Working my ass off. (Then they go into wicked detail about everything they did that week at work, none of which I can relate to) I’ve just been so tired lately.”

Me: “You should probably get some more rest man, you sound beat.”

Them: “Yeah, and I spent all weekend cleaning (300sq ft apartments)and shopping (buying material things in order to be able to say they have a certain item). Whats up with you?”

Me: “Not too much, eating, sleeping, lifting and working…same ol’ shit” (Not getting into too much lifting detail because I’d either loose them or they don’t care so I don’t share)

Them: “Crazy man, your nuts with your lifting. I couldn’t do that, I’m too busy/list-of-other-reasons-they-justify-not-lifting.”

Me: “Oh well, it’s what I do for fun in life.”

Them: “Oh, speaking of fun; have you seen XXX on tv?” (A list of TV shows ‘they’ watch are then listed and briefly described with a sparkle in their eye)

I’ll end it there.

But seriously…I’m getting so bored with people that only care about material items and are so attached to their TV/computer they can’t see the real world revolving around their feet.

It makes me sad to see such a large number of my friends melting into one singular entity. Friggin society.

That’s my rant for today.

Find new friends.

Or, better yet, go it alone; T-Man style.

I have a feeling new friends are in order.

It’s more fun to make fun of people if you have someone standing next to you; if you don’t you just look like a crazy.


[quote]B rocK wrote:
I have a feeling new friends are in order.

It’s more fun to make fun of people if you have someone standing next to you; if you don’t you just look like a crazy.


Well by this forums defintion, I’m considered old. I have about 2 or 3 good friends who I see on occassion. The truth is, I am too busy. Work, travel, children, and my committment to the gym will do that to one’s schedule.

I prefer it this way. having too many friends just means there are more people in your life you need to keep happy. I guess it makes sense when you’re younger.

Again - Go it alone. just bring a nice looking woman (or 3) along with you.

[quote]Polish Rifle wrote:
Find new friends.

Or, better yet, go it alone; Captain Crunch-Man style.[/quote]


[quote]Travacolypse wrote:
Polish Rifle wrote:
Find new friends.

Or, better yet, go it alone; Captain Crunch-Man style.



Time to get rid of your footie pajamas big boy.

[quote]B rocK wrote:


I kinda feel bad for most of my friends. Most of them in college are at the point where they’re going to apply for internships at big name companies and get good jobs. Errrhhh, not really with this economy. And now they’re otu of ideas.

That said, yeah, some of them are actually kinda lame.

That said, I’ve been pretty lame, lately, too.

[quote]B rocK wrote:
I have a feeling new friends are in order.

It’s more fun to make fun of people if you have someone standing next to you; if you don’t you just look like a crazy.


Dude, adult life is just like high school; there are a few leaders and a bunch of mindless followers. All those materialistic TV addicted fat people are just following the crowd.

Be strong, be buffed, Be a leader!

[quote]Polish Rifle wrote:
Travacolypse wrote:
Polish Rifle wrote:
Find new friends.

Or, better yet, go it alone; Captain Crunch-Man style.



Time to get rid of your footie pajamas big boy.[/quote]

Nah, they’re comfortable.

Just getting sick of “t-man” this and “t-man” that. You do realize that it’s just a marketing device used to create positive associations with the site, right? For all intents and purposes, you might as well be calling yourself a Captain Crunch or Count Chocula-man.

Traits of a Captain Crunch-man:
1.) Noble - he’s a captain!
2.) Honorable - again, he’s a captain!
3.) Eats Captain Crunch cereal

Trains of a T-man
1.) Noble
2.) Honorable
3.) Eats Biotest supplements

I dunno about anyone else, but every time I see “t-man” I think of the little orphan annie decoder ring in A Christmas Story. Buy more ovaltine.


[quote]Polish Rifle wrote:
Travacolypse wrote:
Polish Rifle wrote:
Find new friends.

Or, better yet, go it alone; Captain Crunch-Man style.



Time to get rid of your footie pajamas big boy.[/quote]

No, not the feety pajamas…

[quote]Polish Rifle wrote:
B rocK wrote:
I have a feeling new friends are in order.

It’s more fun to make fun of people if you have someone standing next to you; if you don’t you just look like a crazy.


Well by this forums defintion, I’m considered old. I have about 2 or 3 good friends who I see on occassion. The truth is, I am too busy. Work, travel, children, and my committment to the gym will do that to one’s schedule.

I prefer it this way. having too many friends just means there are more people in your life you need to keep happy. I guess it makes sense when you’re younger.

Again - Go it alone. just bring a nice looking woman (or 3) along with you.


True words. I have one good friend I lift with, three good friends I hunt with, and one, Dad, I hunt and ride horses with. The rest is family. Getting older your friends are usually specialized to the core interests you have.


[quote]B rocK wrote:
But seriously…I’m getting so bored with people that only care about material items and are so attached to their TV/computer they can’t see the real world revolving around their feet.

It makes me sad to see such a large number of my friends melting into one singular entity. Friggin society. [/quote]

I definitely can relate. In fact, as of end of December I’m getting rid of my Internet access at home.

As far as friends “melting” I went to college in NY and saw it happening to my friends. They were all obsessed with getting into big companies, getting good office jobs, and making money - so they could buy a nice house/apt and a nice car and nice shit, and just further dig themselves in the hole - cuz once you have the lifestyle, you depend on that job to support it. And I just saw it as a midlife crisis waiting to happen.

Anyways, I moved to Atlanta after I graduated. I don’t make shit for money, but I work 9-3, have plenty of time to train and play music, etc. Who’s laughing now? With the current economy, lots of people who had the “good” jobs and all the material possessions are getting screwed. A good friend just got laid off in NY from a major accounting firm. Here’s what he emailed me the other day…

“corporate jobs suck and thats the fact! i will never ever go desk job again. they are a bunch a’ pimps and whores in suits and i was one for over a year.”

ok I kinda got off topic a bit but hopefully you understand where I’m coming from…

I’ve got friends my age and younger that are in their career fields, engineering mostly, and seem like they have their shit together.
They’ve got a house, they’re married, multiple vehicles, cool “toys” (guns, stereos, tools, etc.) and they seem reasonably happy and not tired all the time.

They don’t understand my preoccupation with training, why I won’t stay out late, why I eat specific things, why I eat so much, why I won’t just “skip a workout it won’t kill you.”

so my friends and I are both successful in the ways that are important to us I suppose.

I’m not big on material possesions, and I like my job, I’m not going to spend the majority of my time doing something I hate so I can have some cool stuff.

Friends? Most of mine removed themselves from my life. So be it. I outgrew them anyway on so any levels, yet I remained more youthful.

My friends are my wife and son. The coolest easy-going people on the planet.

I’m sure it’ll come time that they will be dropped to ‘aquaintences’ level. Though I will always be there if they need me.

I guess it’s just time to cut the umbilical cord so to speak.

I think that I’m just in another one of life’s transitional periods where everyone in my life is looking at different goals.

Apparently not too many people surrounding me plan on bettering themselves in the physical realm. Oh well; I win!

[quote]B rocK wrote:
I’m sure it’ll come time that they will be dropped to ‘aquaintences’ level. Though I will always be there if they need me.

I guess it’s just time to cut the umbilical cord so to speak.

I think that I’m just in another one of life’s transitional periods where everyone in my life is looking at different goals.

Apparently not too many people surrounding me plan on bettering themselves in the physical realm. Oh well; I win![/quote]

Nothing wrong with working hard. Plus you can better yourself physically AND mentally; why focus on just the physical - and if you don’t prepare on the brain/work side you will starve when the hard times come. Or if you knock some girl up - you are going to have a bastard child you will need too support…Just some of things a small brained rodent like you need to think about!

[quote]Travacolypse wrote:

Nah, they’re comfortable.

Just getting sick of “t-man” this and “t-man” that. You do realize that it’s just a marketing device used to create positive associations with the site, right? For all intents and purposes, you might as well be calling yourself a Captain Crunch or Count Chocula-man.

Traits of a Captain Crunch-man:
1.) Noble - he’s a captain!
2.) Honorable - again, he’s a captain!
3.) Eats Captain Crunch cereal

Trains of a T-man
1.) Noble
2.) Honorable
3.) Eats Biotest supplements

I dunno about anyone else, but every time I see “t-man” I think of the little orphan annie decoder ring in A Christmas Story. Buy more ovaltine.



Thanks, your post makes more sense now.

And yes, I agree that the term “T-Man” is a marketing device. I also believe the traits (not necessarily the ones you’ve listed) that might define a “T-Man” are admirable and definitely in short supply on these Forums. There are far too many pussies crying about their lot in life these days on the boards.

For that reason, the term takes on significant meaning to me. I’ve never been one to aimlessly follow or rely on anyone; instead I prefer to chart my own path.

Sorry for the hijack B rock.

Something I don’t get: People who think you can’t both watch TV and exercise.

I lift 3 times a week and do speed workouts 3 days a week.

I still watch a few tv series’s.

Seriously. Its ONE episode a week. Either 40 or 20 minutes a WEEK.

TV can’t POSSIBLY take that much time. So WTF are people doing? Watching nothing for 3 hours a day?

Nooooooothing pisses me off more than the “I just dont have time.”

My roommate uses this bullshit excuse all the time. He tells me he doesnt have time to cook/clean/lift/go out/ blah blah blah when I see him at home every night from 5pm-midnight either on the internet or watching TV or doing both.

Fuck. That.

I dont want to look back at my life and wish I hadnt missed that episode of Charm School (one of the many shows he makes fun of, but never misses an episode). I want to conquer, to explore, to learn, to interact, to better myself.

Dont get me wrong, I indulge in the internet and TV myself, but I dont make up bullshit excuses about why this and that isnt happening.

B Rock,

I think we are the same age. I’m in school finishing up my degree but most of my friends are working or getting married, settling down.

I have been fortunate that my high school friends are still around, and we all hang out once every couple of months. Most people seem to be caught up in the post-college marriage rush, though, especially the girls. It is very annoying.

It’s like marriage is the new ‘thing’ to do. I have one friend who is in his early 30s, married, and whom I knew before he tied the knot (but was still with his girl back then).

They are like family to me. We still hang out, party every few weeks, have dinners, go on trips. My circle of ‘fun’ people has dwindled and people have dispersed, and my dating pool is now relegated to single folk that my friends or friends of friends know of and introduce me to. Or, if I am lucky, a girl I met that came to join my group at some house party.

I definitely know where you are coming from, but don’t forget that there are people much older than you who still have active social lives and that means friends with active social lives, even of the same age.

It’s very doable, just the dynamics are a little different.