Friendly Fire Story Wtih Video

Anyone else read about this?,,2-2007060133,00.html

[quote]Ren wrote:
Anyone else read about this?,,2-2007060133,00.html[/quote]

Very unfortunate and tradgic story. The problem is that this stuff happens more often than you know. Friendly fire is a fact of war. I hope this doesn’t get blown out of proportion. The pilots did nothing wrong from what I could see. They asked for permission from ground control, got it, and fired.

[quote]PGJ wrote:
Ren wrote:
Anyone else read about this?,,2-2007060133,00.html

Very unfortunate and tradgic story. The problem is that this stuff happens more often than you know. Friendly fire is a fact of war. I hope this doesn’t get blown out of proportion. The pilots did nothing wrong from what I could see. They asked for permission from ground control, got it, and fired.


Well, then ground control fucked up, didn’t they?

[quote]Wreckless wrote:
PGJ wrote:
Ren wrote:
Anyone else read about this?,,2-2007060133,00.html

Very unfortunate and tradgic story. The problem is that this stuff happens more often than you know. Friendly fire is a fact of war. I hope this doesn’t get blown out of proportion. The pilots did nothing wrong from what I could see. They asked for permission from ground control, got it, and fired.

Well, then ground control fucked up, didn’t they?

Either that or the Brits were not where they were supposed to be.

The Sun isn’t exactly an objective newspaper. The article I saw on this was much different.

No newspaper is objective.

However, the it was reported that there was no permissionfrom ground control, and on the video it clearly says that there was friendlies in the area.

The tanks were tagged, but the pilots thought they were rocket silos.

Obviously, this is a mistake, and it would be harsh that pilots be jailed for such action, but it was more the way that the US military dealt with the evidence, and that the wife was led to believe that the video did not exist.

The wife was rather measuered, i think. We await the outcome of the coroners court.

[quote]miniross wrote:
No newspaper is objective.

However, the it was reported that there was no permissionfrom ground control, and on the video it clearly says that there was friendlies in the area.

The tanks were tagged, but the pilots thought they were rocket silos.

Obviously, this is a mistake, and it would be harsh that pilots be jailed for such action, but it was more the way that the US military dealt with the evidence, and that the wife was led to believe that the video did not exist.

The wife was rather measuered, i think. We await the outcome of the coroners court.[/quote]

I’m not defending anyone. Those pilots didn’t intentionally target friendlies. I’m sure they are devastated. In the heat of battle, stuff happens.

[quote]PGJ wrote:
Wreckless wrote:
PGJ wrote:
Ren wrote:
Anyone else read about this?,,2-2007060133,00.html

Very unfortunate and tradgic story. The problem is that this stuff happens more often than you know. Friendly fire is a fact of war. I hope this doesn’t get blown out of proportion. The pilots did nothing wrong from what I could see. They asked for permission from ground control, got it, and fired.

Well, then ground control fucked up, didn’t they?

Either that or the Brits were not where they were supposed to be.

The Sun isn’t exactly an objective newspaper. The article I saw on this was much different.

Don’t suppose you could post a link to that?

The big issue that has stirred things up is not the incident itself,but the Pentagon’s handling of the tape.At first they denied it existed,then refused to release it to the British M.O.D for its inquest procedures.
Hopefully the atmosphere and secrecy that was so evident during Rummsfeld’s tenure will now change.

I have not seen one public criticism of either the pilots,or ground control being aired anywhere in the UK or Europe.

This stuff happens all the time in a war situation.

[quote]Ren wrote:
PGJ wrote:
Wreckless wrote:
PGJ wrote:
Ren wrote:
Anyone else read about this?,,2-2007060133,00.html

Very unfortunate and tradgic story. The problem is that this stuff happens more often than you know. Friendly fire is a fact of war. I hope this doesn’t get blown out of proportion. The pilots did nothing wrong from what I could see. They asked for permission from ground control, got it, and fired.

Well, then ground control fucked up, didn’t they?

Either that or the Brits were not where they were supposed to be.

The Sun isn’t exactly an objective newspaper. The article I saw on this was much different.

Don’t suppose you could post a link to that?[/quote]

It was on TV. I have searched the news websites and can find nothing.