Fresh Start.

Hi guys I am a long time reader and huge supporter of Biotest products. Here is my problem: I am looking into starting into a new program to lean down and get stronger. I have 3 bottles of MAG-10 and I would appreciate any sugestions on routines and diet plans to help me succeed in my goals. Seeing how I am now single and have nothing other than work on my schedule I have plenty of time to spend on training.
Starting point: I am 24 yrs old 5’ 8" and I weigh 220lbs. I am starting at around 12 to 15% BF. My work schedule is 3 days on 3 days off/ 4 days on 4 days off. I work 12hr shifts 6pm to 6am. On days I work I have an hour at most to train but on my days off I can give it more time. My current split is Chest/Biceps, Delts/Legs, and Triceps/Back with 3 days of cardio a week. Diet is to inconsistant to list. Thanks in advance for the help.

Alright dude…

Baby steps. From the ‘in-depthness’ of your post, it seems that you need to gain more knowledge and time under the iron before you even THINK of using Mag-10.

When you post a request like that, anyone who wants to attempt to help you needs more information than what you supplied. It’s great that you posted both your stats and your INCONSISTANT DIET, but more training history is needed: What type of training have you done? How long have you trained? What are you strengths/weaknesses?

I know that you have a tricky work schedule, but that is something that you are simply going work around. I work for the USN, and have worked 12 on/12 off rotating shift work for the last year and a half. It has, without a doubt, negatively affected my training lifestyle, but I’m finally learning how to work with it. What’s been working for me is pre-planned, mass cooked meals, lots of rubbermaid containers and ice-boxes, and a SHITLOAD of trial and error. I had to reduce my volume considerably, and I could probably do with putting in more cardio then I currently do… Okay, now I’m rambling.


Ok here is more info on me. I started training seriously around 16 and kept up with a training program geared to sports (football/wrestling) until the age of 21. Then went on a bulking cycle for 6 months while experimenting with finaplex. I was very pleased with that. Unfortunatly I have been training on and off going about 1-2 months and dropping it for a month for 1.5 yrs now. I am currently in the middle of my second consecutive month of training and I really want to keep it up this time.I have a solid base from which to build off of and I have no problem adding muscle and gaining strength fast, but my problems lie in losing body fat. I appreciate any advise especially on diets. I will start cooking in mass and see how that works for me. Thanks again.


[quote]Upstate Lifter wrote:
Alright dude…

Baby steps. From the ‘in-depthness’ of your post, it seems that you need to gain more knowledge and time under the iron before you even THINK of using Mag-10.

When you post a request like that, anyone who wants to attempt to help you needs more information than what you supplied. It’s great that you posted both your stats and your INCONSISTANT DIET, but more training history is needed: What type of training have you done? How long have you trained? What are you strengths/weaknesses?

I know that you have a tricky work schedule, but that is something that you are simply going work around. I work for the USN, and have worked 12 on/12 off rotating shift work for the last year and a half. It has, without a doubt, negatively affected my training lifestyle, but I’m finally learning how to work with it. What’s been working for me is pre-planned, mass cooked meals, lots of rubbermaid containers and ice-boxes, and a SHITLOAD of trial and error. I had to reduce my volume considerably, and I could probably do with putting in more cardio then I currently do… Okay, now I’m rambling.
