Hello everyone, back at it. This year has been &*^% sandwich, that changes now. Had cancer , beat it for now. Just trying to physically come back from a dismal year. Just going to try and get strong, fast and flexible simple right. Currently have a shoulder issue (jet skiing injury 1 month ago) I am going to have to go to the doctor about. So until that’s fixed or just rehabbed I will be trying to work around it. Going to gym now to do core and jog maybe some squats.
Workout goal was core and cardio. Did HMWU then DL’s
135x15, 185x10,10,10 with 2" deficit
Knees to elbows 10,10,10
Back extensions 25,25
2.5 mile run/ walk with weighted pack. 34 minutes
Felt good to do something, have not done DL’s in a long time. Haven’t lifted in a long time
welcome back.
f*ck canccer.
good work
Congrats on beating cancer! Keep fighting the good fight
Glad to read you beat cancer.
Thanks , I have really slacked off. Time to get strong.
Thanks Goat- always continue fighting that fight and moving forward.
Thanks- I will be over to check out all your logs and get some ideas and motivation.
Workout today- 2 mile run in boots due to snow 24 mins, Then situps 3x 25 and did some slow pushups 3x 12 shoulder still in doubt. Lost a lot of strength but stayed the same weight. Hovering around 250 lbs eating some doritos as i type. Think I am going to go with morning hikes and runs.
Work out yesterday
Mili’s barx10, 55x10, 95x10, 135x10, 155x2 Felt OK ( no pain at least) this morning no worse for the wear.
Power Cleans 115x10 135x10x3 155x8, 175x2 195X2 ( that felt real heavy)
Did a cross fit W/O consisting of DL 225x12, row 500m, box step upsx21 did three rounds for time 18 minutes.
still being very cautious as to weights . Have to hit core a whole lot more.
Congrats on beating cancer! Hell yeah man, absolutely awesome!
Thanks Robstein, its a eye opener for sure. Workouts slacked off overdid the shoulder a bit, stuck with just rowing the last three days. This morning did HMWU, pull ups 3x5, rows 3x5with 85. cleans 95x10
Well nothing exciting happening over the holidays. Today workout was great .Did the HMWU. Shoulder is coming back, took motrin 400mg twice daily for 10 days to try and mitigate as much of the inflammation as possible. it did help a little. did milis the last week with no problems but followed that by some light benching 3 days later and paid in pain for two days, W/O today I was finally able to do a BW dip x1 with very minimal discomfort, followed by a two rep set a couple minutes later. Did tri extensions 3 sets 10 reps 80lbs with some supported rows in between 3x10. then did Situps and back extensions 3x20. Followed by 15 min on the rower and 5 min on the climber. Body weight somewhere on the 250’s.