I have been reading T-mag from the begging - it is the best site on training around.
I have been thinking a lot about frequency and volume. I have had succesfull growth with higher volume/less frequency and the other way around.
My personal experience has been that I do best with high volume workouts. What I wanted to know is what is the scientific basis for increased frequency vs. volume.
For example, if I am going to do 100 reps for a body part,
1)do I get more growth from the 100 reps in one session a week or split over multiple sessions?
2) And if multiple sessions, what would be the upper limit of the amount of training (with hypertophy as the specific goal?)
3) finally, if I am using heavy compounds, would working bench on Monday and Push press on Thursday (as an example) create the same overall effect of doing devided volumes on both exercise in each workout since they are targeting same general areas?
I have read all the articles by CT, CW, and BH about HST, but still do not think I am perfectly clear on the optimal way to manage frequency and volume for Hypertrophy.