Free Test Measurement Units

I have question about the measurement units of free testosterone because I’m very confused.

I’ve read oppinions here that although everyone needs different number most of the guys feel better at or above 30 ng/dL. However my free testosterone measured in Germany is 17 ng/L. 30 ng/DL is like 300 ng/L. But the reference range in the German Lab are 17-22 ng/L. Seems like in USA you measure it in different way and it is 10 times bigger! How is that possible? Or do I need to raise my free T 10 times to reach anywhere near the numbers you talk about?

The measurement on some labs is labeled incorrectly. Look at the ranges to know. My ranges are similar to yours so it’s probably the same measurement.


I think there is something called free measured method and they use different measurements so its more complicated

I would love to be enlightened about this subject also…
My latest result for FT is 17.87 pg/mL and range is 5.4-40.0 pg/mL.

What would be a good number for this range?

The number you don’t feel like shit at is a good start. Usually starts in the upper end of the range. For me it was higher.

I don’t feel like shit but i don’t feel great either…
My thyroids isn’t great though.

I think i should up my dose to be in upper end of the range.

These are opinions, not facts. You need to stop focusing on the numbers and focus on dosing and when symptoms are gone, then the numbers become more important.

Dose it to where all symptoms are gone, until you feel optimal. I don’t care what the numbers are as long as I have erections, libido and am building muscle.

Anyone care to comment on this? Is there such thing for real?

Welcome to a world with no standards. When I see a low cutoff point for reference ranges, this tells me severely ill people or old men were included in the reference population.

They explained it in the other topic about estrogen. Seems my 17ng/l considering the testing method equals like 9ng/dl of the US numbers you discuss in the forum

I’d recommend you link to that work so others can learn from it. This site has some nice linking/quoting features.

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From the other topic:

Do you think keeping around 20ng/dl ehich is top of the range with daily injections is dangerous? I read such opinion of yours.