Understanding Free Testosterone Lab Range

I’m not sure I fully understand the guideline I’ve seen on forums and also in the ‘Testosterone Optimization Therapy Bible’ (by Jay Campbell and Jim Brown). It seems to suggest that Free Test should be, at a minimum, at least 2% of total Test value.

My labs came back with this:

Total Testosterone: 672.6 ng/dL (ref range 249.0-836.0)
Free Testosterone: 2.896 ng/dL (ref range 0.580-2.100)

I’ve triple checked the unit measure is the same for Total and Free so my confusion comes from the fact a 2% goal would suggest my Free Testosterone should ideally be at least 13-14, not 2.896. But a value as high as 13 seems astonishing given the reference range.

Am I missing something obvious here?

I have some confusion here also, as I am told labcorp measurements are wrong and are actually ng/dl like yours, but they show pg/ml. Saying that, if you convert yours to pg/ml it will give you 28.9 which is closer to the lab ranges are that I am used to seeing. My range is 8-25.1. Converted that will give you a percentage of 4%.

If using the direct immunoassay then your FT levels are inaccurate and likely over estimated. I believe 2% FT to be low for myself, you can have 2% FT and still have FT low.

A lot of the FT calculators are inaccurate using wrong calculations for testing methods that weren’t finalized yet. The Tru-T calculator is the only one that is accurate.

The ranges are 16-31 ng/dL.

The OP has SHBG on the higher end if TT and FT ratios have anything to say about it.

Cheers, was not aware of the Tru-T calculator (I’m still new to this). Free test from there is 22.23 ng/dL which seems decent.

My doctor is concerned about elevated levels of SHBG (44.5 nmol/L, range 18.3-54.1) and E2 (54 pg/mL, range 26-61). He has suggested a small dose of Adex but I’m reluctant as I don’t believe I’m showing any symptoms. Admittedly, I am prone to a bit of gyno but no issue right now. The only negative I can come up with is that I am bit sleepy more often than usual.

Your doctor should first increase injection frequencies and inject smaller doses to lower estrogen, no reason to bring out the big guns just yet.

If only I knew I would be an over-responder to AI’s.