Anyone…ANYONE…who has been on this site for any length of time will know that I have been, and will always be, a staunch supporter of our Men and Women of the Armed Forces. I am also a student of War, and appreciate the place that our Special Forces, of all branches, have in making us the greatest fighting force in the World…and in my mind, Navy SEALS are most likely at the top of that list. Not ONLY have they proven themselves from Atolls in the Pacific, the Jungles of Vietnam, and the shorelines of Grenada…there are probably more fakes and wannabes walking around wearing the bright Trident Pin, that they DID NOT earn, than of any branch of the services. To be a SEAL is IN FACT to be special…and I will be the FIRST in line to thank you for your sacrifices, Achilles…
Now…let’s bring things back down to this imperfect “civilian” world. What the hell does being a SEAL have to do with a small Website of like-minded people who discuss such World Changing, “elite” topics as Fish Oil, body fat percentages, Deadlift form and “looking good nekkid”? It borders on the MORE than absurd to argue your point by even mentioning SEAL teams in the same post…
But since you brought it up…Why even have SEAL teams? Why not just give the Trident Pin to every snotty nosed Seaman out of high school who can swim, shoot a rifle and paddle a boat?
Of COURSE that would be absurd! Like minded people, of similar dedication and proven purpose…that’s all the Advanced Forum will be…if it doesn’t work…it’s gone, THAT I’m sure of…
Again…thank you for the sacrifices you have made…