Hey all,
With all the form check threads popping up, why not just make one that we can all post in to make it easier? Anyways, I will start it off. Here is me working on my form with 145 in some new adidas weightlifting shoes. I need to work on my hip mobility as I was pretty much going rock bottom on a few and I hit parallel but that’s it. Sorry about the angle, I will do another soon with the right angle so your necks aren’t sore.
I seriously don’t get why people do “form checks”, especially with such light weights.
[quote]black_angus1 wrote:
I seriously don’t get why people do “form checks”, especially with such light weights. [/quote]
Cuz they is bored…
Because in my opinion getting as many eyes on your form is the best way to improve.
I think the point they are trying to make is that if you’re going to ask people to take time from their day to do something for you, you ought to at least show a little bit of initiative. For instance, edit awkward videos down, rotate them to the correct orientation, etc. And while I understand there are certainly differences in opinion on this particular issue, I’d say my experience has been that the prevailing opinion on form checks is that a reasonable percentage of max needs to be used for critique- i.e. 90%+. And again, if you want people to take their time to help you, you should take your time to figure that out before you post.
I’m still a novice, squatting under 400, so I’m not qualified to comment too much on your form. I will say that there’s nothing there that screams “injury!” to me.
Good points. I didn’t think of that. My apologies, fella’s.
[quote]strangemeadow wrote:
Cuz they is bored…[/quote]
I could think of a hell of alotta other things to do when im bored.
I think that if you look at what really good lifters do, you can figure out what “good form” is for yourself and check your own form. Learn to identify your own weaknesses and you will see gainz.
[quote]black_angus1 wrote:
I think that if you look at what really good lifters do, you can figure out what “good form” is for yourself and check your own form. Learn to identify your own weaknesses and you will see gainz.[/quote]
Yes. And that’s also what mirrors are for. When your form breaks down, you won’t be able to do more reps or add weight. Take some plates off, check ego, and start over. i’ve had to do it many times. It pays off.