10 weeks ago I started doing the Stronglifts 5x5 programme. So far everything has been going well, when I reached about bodyweight in squats things started to get heavy.
Because I work out alone almost always it’s hard to keep track on how my form is, so today I decided to shoot a video to see what I’m actually doing.
I watched the videos and I think it looks alright. In the video it looks like I’m leaning forward alot when I’m doing my squats, but when I’m squatting it feels alright. When I reach the final reps of the set and it gets harder to push the bar up my knees buckle inwards, but pushing them back out again isn’t hard.
Anyway, I’m attaching a video file and posting some comments about the video below.
Squat, set 3.
Here you can see on rep 4 and 5 that my knees buckle inwards. And on rep 5 I have a little trouble keeping my upper body tight.
Squat, set 4.
Here on rep 4 and 5 my knees also buckle in.
On the 4th rep the bar slipped on my left hand side. Could probably use some more grip training.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my video and for helping me gettint a better form!
Kind regards,
Let me preface this by saying that I am in no way a great squatter.
So, your form is pretty good on 1 and 2. As you fatigue, your form will break down. It is natural.
Most important thing here for a beginner? Depth. You’re doing very well in that department. If you started light and are progressing slowly, you will have good success. (I don’t know your whole training story, but it appears that you did this part right.)
One thing that helps me is my set up. Keep refining it and experimenting to see what works for you. Foot, head, bar, and hand position will all help determine your depth, and how your joints track.
It could be a muscle weakness, but you are young with respect to your training age. My call is that this “knee problem” will probably sort itself out naturally as you progress.
You should also do a small search on “cues.” Find 2 or three that work for you, and focus on them as you go through your lift. Do it until those things become second nature, and then evaluate your progress, and repeat. Good ones for me have been:
-Feet out at 45 degrees.
-Head down.
-Elbows forward.
-Break at knees and hips at same time.
-Keep weight on heels.
-Feel “rebound” when your hamstrings and calves meet. (Paused reps are great for learning to feel this.)
I would like to see you rack the weight cleaner at the end of the squat. Do be afraid to walk back in and rack the weight. Squats are hard and everyone looks silly when the weight goes up. Great depth. no butt wink. On the deadlift your shoulders are moving forward on the way up. try to drag the shins and keep the weight back on your heels. Bring your hips and shoulders up at the same time. Then unfold on the lockout. this uses more hips instead of making it into a back extension.