I’ve been lifting for about 2 months now and I weigh 220 pounds. This video was my last workout squating 230Ibs. im just wondering if there is anything I should change to my form, because the weight is feeling very heavy for me lately. I started with 135 and I have been adding 5 pounds per training session, I don’t think I can go up in weight for very many more workouts before i can’t lift it. my goals are to just get as strong as I can without gaining any more fat. At 220 pounds I was thinking I could get fairly strong while staying the same weight. My diet has not changed since I started lifting and I don’t really care about losing body fat right now, I just don’t want to gain any more fat. I’m just worried about plateauing too soon. On the other hand my deadlift (275), bench (170), and press (125) all seem to be progressing pretty easy.
By the way I’m doing StrongLifts 5x5 program except 3x5 on the squat because of knee issues in the very beginning.
Any thoughts or critiques?