Hello all,
I have begun doing more pull ups and barbell curls and hjave since noticed a dramatic increase in forearm pain. During todays workout it was barely tolerable during the barbell curls. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hello all,
I have begun doing more pull ups and barbell curls and hjave since noticed a dramatic increase in forearm pain. During todays workout it was barely tolerable during the barbell curls. Any suggestions? Thanks!
If it is the upper portion of the forearm, close to the elbow, you are experiencing tendonitis, aka tennis elbow.
Ice (20 min on, 20 min off) and ibuprofen will help. Also purchase a wrap for tennis elbow from either a pharmacy or sporting goods store. Use of the wrap takes the pressure off of the tendon.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for tthe info. That has happened to me before, and ice and stretching made a world of difference. However, this is right in the middle of the forearm, on the outside/underside.
Weak forearms. Happens to me too, especially during chins. In fact, the first few times I did chins, the only reason I stopped was because my forearms gave out first. =P
If you feel the need, there is a very cool forearm trainign article on T-Nation that I can’t find but I’m sure someone can get a link to.
Personally, I just keep doing them chins and my forearms are getting stronger.
All good advice. I get the same thing every six months. Try and hit your forarms every 3 workouts. Also if they are killing you during your workout try and not go as strict. I think one of the other guys mentioned this. Strict form seems to really bring this out. There’s a good interview in MD this month with Ronnie Coleman that talks a little about this. I usually just work through it and hit the meds afterward.
Barbell curls can give me some nasty forearm pain. Try and E-Z curl bar or dumbells.
stretch the affected area. ART if possible and ice if needed. pain killers/anti inflams if needed.
also strengthen the wrist extensors.
good luck.
[quote]Jesus_Freak wrote:
Hello all,
I have begun doing more pull ups and barbell curls and hjave since noticed a dramatic increase in forearm pain. During todays workout it was barely tolerable during the barbell curls. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Drop the curls, you’re getting plenty of elbow flexor work with the chin ups
[quote]ntroych wrote:
Barbell curls can give me some nasty forearm pain. Try and E-Z curl bar or dumbells.
Me too.
Thanks for all the advice! I really appreciate it. I think I will use the EZ Curl bar and see if that helps. Also, someone said to work the forearms out more. FOr some reason, this doesn’t make sense to me. Aren’t they hurting because they are getting worked out so much already? I know I am thinking that just because I don’t know enough, but I would love an explaination.
Thanks again!!
[quote]Jesus_Freak wrote:
Thanks for all the advice! I really appreciate it. I think I will use the EZ Curl bar and see if that helps. Also, someone said to work the forearms out more. FOr some reason, this doesn’t make sense to me. Aren’t they hurting because they are getting worked out so much already? I know I am thinking that just because I don’t know enough, but I would love an explaination.
Thanks again!!
I would tend to agree. My forearm paim really seems to have no relation to forearm strength. I have been lifting for many years and my forearm strength has increased accordingly, but heavy barbell curls still cause as much pain and discomfort as they did years ago.
In my case, I believe the pain comes from my hands/wrists being “locked” into an unnatural position by a straight barbell. E-Z curl bars may allow a more natural grip and DBs allow complete free range of grip/wrist position.
Again, I would lay off the exercises that cause pain for a week or two until the pain subsides, and then switch to EZ or DB curls.
It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Forearms get worked a lot in pullups and chins. Mine have grown a lot and gotten much stronger as the weight I’ve been adding has climbed.
I had the same thing happen to me over the summer. I switched from pullups to weighted pullups and my right forearm in the middle of my forearm was always killing me. What ever upperbody exercise I did I had the pain. It lasted 3 months. It went away after I came back from vacation, all it took was about 2 weeks of rest and the minor injury healed. You might want to think about staying off of it. Think of it as a time to squat more. In 10 days…which is not long at all, your forearm will probably be healed. I’m no Dr., just trying to help becuase I experienced the same thing.
Kir Dog