For Those Who Don't Get Compliments...

There is another thread highlighting the compliments many receive as a result of their training, etc. TC’s recent Atomic Dog brought attention to the fact that there are “anti-complimenters” out there.

So, if you get little to no encouragement from others, what keeps you going with reference to your goals?


Not worry about what other people think. Try to better myself, not others’ perceptions of me.

[quote]BF Bullpup wrote:
Not worry about what other people think. Try to better myself, not others’ perceptions of me.[/quote]

Thread should be closed now. 25 minutes and the only valid answer already given

[quote]jpb wrote:
So, if you get little to no encouragement from others, what keeps you going with reference to your goals?


The hope that one day I will get a bunch of compliments…from hot chicks.


I need self-esteem.

Could hard stares and puffed out chests from other guys be considered compliments? It happened to me again today at the store. I was walking past some guy and he looked at me all tough-guy like, you know that “Don’t fuck with me man” look. Then he puffed his chest out like a dweeb. Then on my way home, at the stop light, some guy in his truck was staring hard at me. I really don’t know how to react in those kind of situations, I just smile.

I don’t get encouragement from “other” real people, but T-Nation motivates me.

Other than that, sheer force of habit. (What else would I do with all the time I spend planning good food?) Lol.

I take pics to motivate me, too. I look for improvements (but I’m pretty critical of myself). It’s neat to see improvements!

Thank you all for your replies.

I have a friend whose wife not only does not support his healthy lifestyle, but tries to sabotage it any chance she can get. He perseveres though.


[quote]jpb wrote:
Thank you all for your replies.

I have a friend whose wife not only does not support his healthy lifestyle, but tries to sabotage it any chance she can get. He perseveres though.



Tell him to start hiding his assets now for the eventual divorce.

[quote]NateOrade wrote:
jpb wrote:
Thank you all for your replies.

I have a friend whose wife not only does not support his healthy lifestyle, but tries to sabotage it any chance she can get. He perseveres though.


Tell him to start hiding his assets now for the eventual divorce.[/quote]


[quote]skaz05 wrote:
Could hard stares and puffed out chests from other guys be considered compliments? It happened to me again today at the store. I was walking past some guy and he looked at me all tough-guy like, you know that “Don’t fuck with me man” look. Then he puffed his chest out like a dweeb. Then on my way home, at the stop light, some guy in his truck was staring hard at me. I really don’t know how to react in those kind of situations, I just smile.[/quote]

i get the same thing

and when some girl thatsworking out with her boyfriend gets the “so your watching him huh WTF!!” from who shes with that kinda made me laugh too

Spite. I do it out of spite.

Also, I can’t allow other people to outshine me.

[quote]skaz05 wrote:
Could hard stares and puffed out chests from other guys be considered compliments? It happened to me again today at the store. I was walking past some guy and he looked at me all tough-guy like, you know that “Don’t fuck with me man” look. Then he puffed his chest out like a dweeb. Then on my way home, at the stop light, some guy in his truck was staring hard at me. I really don’t know how to react in those kind of situations, I just smile.[/quote]

you gotta wink at him, then lick your lips, lol.

[quote]skaz05 wrote:
I really don’t know how to react in those kind of situations, I just smile.[/quote]

Imitate your avatar… smile like that and you’ll get left alone, unless you’re being stared at through a set of crosshairs :slight_smile:

I get the usual banter from my friends about how I’m SO HUUUGE and stuff, but honestly complements from the untrained don’t mean very much to me. They don’t have any clue what it takes to get there, so it just doesn’t mean a great deal coming from them.

Which is why, as I would hope most of us would say, I train for me. Not you. Not her. Not my boss. Me.

Well i train to look good so when i hear people compliment me i see it as the training paying off.

if youre someone who doesnt get any compliments you need to improve your training or lifestyle.

[quote]jpb wrote:
There is another thread highlighting the compliments many receive as a result of their training, etc. TC’s recent Atomic Dog brought attention to the fact that there are “anti-complimenters” out there.

So, if you get little to no encouragement from others, what keeps you going with reference to your goals?


Masturbating and sex usually helps.

When I was at Schiltterbahn I was walking pass a group of Black Guys and I could ehard one of them say “That is one swole ass nigga” Made me think to myself “This is what its all about” Now Hopefulyl I can look good enough so GIRLS say it next time.

When I was younger my girlfriends all used to cheat on me and I never did anything about it. Now I’m the one taking the girls without any repercussions, which is really an asshole thing to do but at least now I know that chicks dig me and guys don’t want to mess with me.

I don’t know why, but I usually feel uncomfortable and don’t know what to say to compliments.

I lift for a lot of reasons, to feel strong, to hold off the ageing process, to look good for my wife etc…, compliments don’t factor in to it.