Hello, there. Having trouble gaining weight? Do you eat and find yourself not gaining any more muscle? Are you still the one with 13" arms, or the one that’s still 140lbs.
Well, I’ve got something for you. It’s something that you will tell yourself “I should’ve thought of that before!” These will be the rules to get you to your 200lbs, to your 18" arms. If you don’t want to gain any mass at all, then please do the opposite of what I tell you. What I’m about to reveal to you is the quickest way to get big.
Give a memorial service to your abdominals.
That’s right; you’ll have to part with your abs, albeit temporarily. I know it will be hard to wave goodbye to them, but just remind yourself that they will come back to you, and they will look even better on a bigger body. So goodbye. Allow the fat to hide them, but DO NOT gain too much fat. As a tip, choose a waist size number and stay there. -
Take what you eat, and double it.
This will be difficult for some, and if it is hard for you, refer to 3. If you wish to get bigger, you need to take the amount that you eat and double it. You will sweat and be on the verge of puking. You MUST force it down, but do not vomit. If you think you are going to regurgitate, stop eating. You’ve reached your limit. Continue this process every meal (at least 4 meals a day). You will face bloating, but as a reward you will feel supreme relaxation (and perhaps sleepiness) after the meal. -
Eat fast food.
Fast food should be reserved in moderate amounts and can help you get more calories in you WITHOUT force feeding. A good example would be the Triple Whopper-it contains 1,200 calories and 70 grams of protein. You can’t beat that if you don’t feel like force feeding. Also, remember to moderate fast food use so you don’t gain too much fat. -
Bring in the saturated fat and cholesterol.
Saturated fat in correlated with better Testosterone levels (1). Just ask the big guys, they’ll tell you. Without cholestoral, you can’t even naturally synthesize testosterone(2). You NEED both. -
Buy Biotest supplemets.
Of course there are a lot of supplements out there, but you can’t beat the quality of these guys. Go buy thier shit and add it to your bigger, better diet (I want a t-shirt, TC)! Plus, if you don’t buy, you don’t get this message board.
Sticky this shit. Notice I tried to sound like a paid program just so I can get the attention of these noobs. They need to read this.