[quote]mcbain wrote:
I’ve been researching which foods are best for upping test and lowering estrogen, and I’d like to get your opinions.
Meat consumption is proven to raise testosterone.
Indole laden vegitables will reduce estrogen, like brocolli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, etc.
Soy raises estrogen, but I can’t find anything to prove that it is not benificial to atheletes - I’m not going to eat it just in case.
So, do you agree with meat for test? Are you terrified of soy? Lemme know.
From what I have read and experimented, meat and protien consumption increases testosterone, but there is a point of diminishing returns - too much protien can actually reduce testosterone levels.
(check out NHE by Rob Faigen)
Not sure
Soy has been linked to increased estrogen levels. Increased estrogen has been shown to contribute to tumors and cancer. Popular research nowadays shows that soy is really bad for you, especially in large amounts.
(check out www.westonaprice.org - a great online source)
Both NHE and the Weston Price website point to fat (epecially the fat in whole dairy) to be the best macronutrient related to testosterone production. Testostorone is actually stored in fat. These sources recommend 30 - 50% of your diet should be derived from fat.
I personally believe that natural testosterone manipulation through macronutrient profiling is negligable, meaning that it doesn’t seem to have a real affect on me, including my appearance, sex drive, etc. That being said, NHE by Faigen is an excellent and eye opening read.