Hi Jim!
I’ve been following 5/3/1 for about a year and a half now. I am planning to compete in my very first meet this April 11th, which puts me a day shy of 16 weeks out.
I picked up 5/3/1 for Powerlifters about 2-3 cycles ago, and have been doing the “Off-Season” phase since my meet was still so far out. As it gets closer, I was curious to know when to start training within the “Pre-Meet” phase. Within the book itself it says to do “Off-Season” work when one either does not have a meet picked out, or are more than eight weeks out (pg 19), while in the overview of the “Pre-Meet” phase it states when one has a meet picked out (pg 20).
Basically, my question is how many cycles of the Pre-Meet phase should I do? Only one cycle eight weeks out from the comp, then the Meet Prep phase, or two - three cycles of Pre-Meet?
Thank you!
(also, for any questions regarding my training/diet, I have a log at http://tnation.T-Nation.com/hub/HalloweenJesus#myForums/thread/6150431/)