“I would really love to see a complete article in T-mag outlining a complete stretching program including what to do for warm-up, post exercise, off days, before/after cardio, etc. I think it is an area that has not been extensively covered although Ian King and Charles Staley have touched on the topic.”
Chris…I just wanted to echo the sentiments of Jason. Of the “Five Components of Overall Fitness” (Weight training, cardiovascular training, diet, recuperation and flexibility training (which, by the way, is VERY important as we age)), flexibility seems to still be the least covered and least studied in terms of program comparison, etc.
Now, I know there is going to be someone who gives the following two arguments, to which I have these replys:
“There is PLENTY of information out there; Pavel, Ian, Poliquin, etc.!” Yes, but not in an effective program that has been devised to incorporate into our overall fitness program. I have both Pavels book AND videos, with a lot of theory and examples of exercises, BUT NO PROGRAM! That leads to the SECOND argument you often hear:
2)“Hey…pick a few exercises, and do 'em…” Hey…a lot of people on this site, and “Testosterone” in particular, don’t do things so haphazard. Do we say “pick a few foods, and eat 'em?” “Pick a few exercises and do 'em?” No…we have “Massive Eating”, “T-Dawg”, “Meltdown”, “Limping…” etc., etc,.
So…Chris…hope you, TC , the contributors…whomever…can come up with something. That would help to put a “final piece of the fitness puzzle” in place. As always…thanks!