I’ve been training for about 3 years. During this time I have made good gains overall. My arms are certainly bigger and the definition in by triceps is good. However, although my biceps have also grown, they look long and flat and don’t have that bump that really defines them.
Is this due to the genetic shape of my muscle or will the shape improve with time and training? Current biceps training:
preacher curls - 3 sets, 6-12RM
standing bumbell curls - 2 sets, 6-12RM
reverse curls with EZ bar - 2 sets, 6-12RM
I keeps a log of each training session and try to add at least one rep per workout. When I reach 12 reps, I increase the weight. The above sets are done after shoulders in my current routine. I’m using a four day split routine over one week so the above exercises are performed once a week.
I have flat biceps as well. What woked for me a a 20 rep HIT curl routine with 20 rep HIT reverse curl after.
weeks and my bicepts literally blew up. I found that my biceps are unique in my body in that they can only take a certain ammount of work, so after a long time od adding sets and trying this and that i cut back on the volume 90% and got 1.5 inches in 30 days (cold)
[quote]miniross wrote:
looks like you need more load. try some 5x5 instead.
also, do you chin, row etc with heavy loads? if not, do so.
also, maybe do some EDT (staley) for a bit if it really bothers you.
i used to be a bit “curls are for girls” but i have changed, and some direct heavy work could be whats in order.
one last opint, do you reach failiure in your sets…dont![/quote]
Thanks miniross. Yes, I do heavy rows and chins. I’m not familiar with EDT, but will do a search. I have been taking almost every set to failure. Please tell me a bit more about why this is a bad practice.
[quote]Gregus wrote:
You need to work on your brachili sp?
I have flat biceps as well. What woked for me a a 20 rep HIT curl routine with 20 rep HIT reverse curl after.
weeks and my bicepts literally blew up. I found that my biceps are unique in my body in that they can only take a certain ammount of work, so after a long time od adding sets and trying this and that i cut back on the volume 90% and got 1.5 inches in 30 days (cold)[/quote]
Thanks Gregus. The next time I switch my routine, I will try your suggestion for biceps. What is a HIT curl … high intensity? How many sets do you do and how much rest between curl and reverse curl?
[quote]jerryiii wrote:
Gregus wrote:
You need to work on your brachili sp?
I have flat biceps as well. What woked for me a a 20 rep HIT curl routine with 20 rep HIT reverse curl after.
weeks and my bicepts literally blew up. I found that my biceps are unique in my body in that they can only take a certain ammount of work, so after a long time od adding sets and trying this and that i cut back on the volume 90% and got 1.5 inches in 30 days (cold)
Thanks Gregus. The next time I switch my routine, I will try your suggestion for biceps. What is a HIT curl … high intensity? How many sets do you do and how much rest between curl and reverse curl?
HIT high intensity training. 1 set till failure non stop. It’s very brutal but effective. You use a moderate tempo employing continuous tension. The reverse curl part of the wrokout is done 5 minutes after the regular set also taken to failure for 20 reps. By rep 13-14 you will have to emply the rest pause principle.
Try hammer curls either instead of or before a “bicep” routine for a while. This should work the bracchialis underlying the bicep. Also do a search for an article called “pop 'em out muscles” I think it was called.
If you’re serious how about before and after pix? If you really do improve you can use your experience to help others, in the future, with the same problem.
in prevention of overtraining. as you are using them as accessory muscles in rows etc, they will get fried. holding back (in 90pc of sessions) will mean that they will not overtrain.
anyway, as you train to failiure allways, this change may see you get some gains. (more stuff on this, pavel may be of benefit)
Using hevy weights - I mean low reps, and good form. Like 3-5 sets of 5 reps, about your 7 rep max perfect (weighted) chin-ups and 3-5 sets 5 reps hevy curls. Don’t go to failure - you become stronger too!