Flameout Help for RA

I stopped taking fish oil due to the fishy burps it gave me. I heard that Flameout used higher quality oils and that there wouldn’t be an issue.

Well, after taking it this morning, I’m having the fishy burps again. Mixed with my whey shake and morning coffee, I feel like I’m going to hurl.

Any advice on how to avoid this? I really need to take a good supplement due to my RA. I’ve already been sidelined at the gym due to a severe flare up and have been off of my Humira. I haven’t been able to lift steadily for 3 weeks. I’m still losing weight, but wonder how much is muscle at this point. Any suggestions on how I can maximize my use of this product w/o the nasty side effect?

Thanks for any help.

Take one capsule immediately prior to each meal.

[quote]Mod Brian wrote:
Take one capsule immediately prior to each meal.[/quote]

I concur. I do this and rarely taste fish when I burp. And when I do it is faint.


this probably isn’t the best method, but try taking it with a little(not a lot) Diet Coke. For some reason that really works for me.

What I do is simply put the bottle of fish oil caps in the freezer. Then, I take the frozen capsules and swallow them right before I eat a meal. This virtually guarantees that I wont get the fishy burps. The oil is actually frozen in the capsule when I swallow it, so by the time it has defrosted, it’s already passed through my tummy and into my intestine (I guess).
Hope that helps.

I used to get the fishy burps, maybe I’m just used to them after years of taking fish oil, but I still like to take my caps right before or right after dinner. Even if only because they get absorbed better, and probably a lesser portion of them used as fuel…

[quote]kis55 wrote:
What I do is simply put the bottle of fish oil caps in the freezer. Then, I take the frozen capsules and swallow them right before I eat a meal. This virtually guarantees that I wont get the fishy burps. The oil is actually frozen in the capsule when I swallow it, so by the time it has defrosted, it’s already passed through my tummy and into my intestine (I guess).
Hope that helps.[/quote]

pretty cool trick

Keep them in the freezer. No more fishy burps.

i keep mine in the freezer and i still get them, i they dont really bother me though so…

You can always try straight fish oil. I would get the fish burps when I used capsules but have since switched to a lemon flavoured oil. Quick, easy, pleasant flavour and zero fish burps.

I take mine at night with my last protein shake of the day. I never notice it, as I am sleeping. Taken with something that has a higher fat content works good too.

I cannot take them in the morning, as they don’t go well with coffee and the fish burps is the last thing I want at the gym. Time to try the freezer trick.

[quote]sir_tris wrote:
I take mine at night with my last protein shake of the day. I never notice it, as I am sleeping. Taken with something that has a higher fat content works good too.

I cannot take them in the morning, as they don’t go well with coffee and the fish burps is the last thing I want at the gym. Time to try the freezer trick.[/quote]


Fish oil should not be taken in the morning. Take it right before bed. This goes for any type of fish oil. Some may disagree with this but there is good logic behind it for various reasons.

Also- the freezer trick is worthless, and any effects are placebo related. The fish oil is still digested at the same temperature regardless what temperature it is when it goes down. You just burn a few more calories bringing it up to the right temperature first.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
Fish oil should not be taken in the morning. Take it right before bed. This goes for any type of fish oil. Some may disagree with this but there is good logic behind it for various reasons.[/quote]

Flameout can effectively be taken any time of day, although I would avoid consuming it immediately prior to exercise.

I personally try to take some with each meal to take advantage of its acute effects on regulating blood sugar.

I confess to being skeptical about the freezer thing too, but I love “fishy burps” (though I hardly ever get em). They have that macho mediterranean effect.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
sir_tris wrote:
I take mine at night with my last protein shake of the day. I never notice it, as I am sleeping. Taken with something that has a higher fat content works good too.

I cannot take them in the morning, as they don’t go well with coffee and the fish burps is the last thing I want at the gym. Time to try the freezer trick.


Fish oil should not be taken in the morning. Take it right before bed. This goes for any type of fish oil. Some may disagree with this but there is good logic behind it for various reasons.

I had to stop taking them prior to bed. After experimenting I found they were making it hard for me to go to sleep. A few weeks later I read an article on here that stated one of the benefits was mental clarity. I don’t know if that was the real problem or not, but I know it wasn’t placebo since I read the article after my experiment.

Either way there are a lot of good reasons to take fish oil. And I agree with the Mod about taking one with each meal.


[quote]monkey_space wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
sir_tris wrote:
I take mine at night with my last protein shake of the day. I never notice it, as I am sleeping. Taken with something that has a higher fat content works good too.

I cannot take them in the morning, as they don’t go well with coffee and the fish burps is the last thing I want at the gym. Time to try the freezer trick.


Fish oil should not be taken in the morning. Take it right before bed. This goes for any type of fish oil. Some may disagree with this but there is good logic behind it for various reasons.

I had to stop taking them prior to bed. After experimenting I found they were making it hard for me to go to sleep. A few weeks later I read an article on here that stated one of the benefits was mental clarity. I don’t know if that was the real problem or not, but I know it wasn’t placebo since I read the article after my experiment.

Either way there are a lot of good reasons to take fish oil. And I agree with the Mod about taking one with each meal.


Fish oil can be stimulating. It’s best to take it in the morning.

I too notice fish burps with Flameout. One or two caps is not bad but three or four at a time is. Before bed seems to work better for not having to deal with the fish burps.

Same here. I don’t take them in the morning due to being used as a fuel source. I also hate fish burps, so I started taking mine at night. All of them. If I’m out of Flameout, as I am currently, that usually means 16 pills at a time, and I never have to deal with the burps.

“The night time is the right time!!”


[quote]Bri Hildebrandt wrote:
Fish oil can be stimulating. It’s best to take it in the morning.[/quote]

I wouldn’t necessarily consider it stimulating. What about it makes it stimulating? It’s fat.

Oh and also:


[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
Bri Hildebrandt wrote:
Fish oil can be stimulating. It’s best to take it in the morning.

I wouldn’t necessarily consider it stimulating. What about it makes it stimulating? It’s fat.

Oh and also:


Notice he recommends not taking them on an empty stomach. I am currently on the V Diet so I take them with the first four meals of the day. Usually I take two with my second, third, and fourth meals of the day. My first meal would be skim milk, protein powder, half cup oats, and half cup Fiber One. Then with meals five and six I use other fat sources.
