Why? Well, every time I take it, even ONE capsule, my roommate tells me I smell like fish. Even aftering showering! The same thing happens when I eat salmon. I have also noticed that if I take a capsule of Flameout, I will sometimes get fish burps. It doesn’t matter if the fish oil is Poliquin, Biotest, or Carlson’s.
As a background, my diet is very high (read: exclusively) grass-fed meats. I also use a lot of flax and hempseed oils as well as pastured butter and cream, so my consumption of Omega-3’s is very high. I also used to eat a lot of fish and take a moderate dose of fish oil (6 caps Flameout per day), but now I don’t take any.
I am wondering if anyone else has had this experience. I am thinking my tissues are “saturated” and maintained by my intake from other sources, so that I don’t actually need fish oil.
Have you tried dropping all sources of Omega-3s for two weeks, then only re-introducing them in the form of fish oil (titrating your daily dose upward) ?
I don’t buy the saturation theory, personally, but if you do then you could try my suggestion.
I am currently not taking any fish oil, because no one mentions anything and I don’t get burps if I don’t take any. But if I take ONE capsule or eat a piece of fish, it happens.
I’d rather eat quality meat than take a supplement, though, so if that’s all I need to do it works for me. But it seems I’m missing out on the benefits of fish oil (unless I am already getting them, if that makes sense).
[quote]Trapasaurus wrote:
Speaking from experience, I know that if you drink too much your shit smells fishy. 50ml in one day. Bah. I like to experiment.
I can’t really say that I have had that problem or used that high of a dose. The highest I was at recently was 15 grams (it sounds like you were at about 50g).
It has actually been more than just my roommate, fyi.
How many grams are you taking per day? I’ve taken up to 30 grams consistently in the past and my fiance has never commented on anything like this (and believe me she would).
If it’s less than 30 grams per day you may want to try a different brand, if that doesnt work make your way to the ocean and find some cod to spend the rest of your days around. In all seriousness though, I do recall hearing about a medical condition similar to what you are describing of consistently smelling like fish (whether or not you consume any or it’s by products).
Do you carry around this smell even if you aren’t eating/consuming anything fish related? If so, you may want to consider seeing your doctor. If not, then it’s up to you if you the pros are greater than the cons.