[quote]Rudy2401 wrote:
How much do you squat?
I’ve squatted 365x3 before without issues, but after a year of no training I can only do 300x3 right now.
I’ll try and get a video of my technique.
[quote]Rudy2401 wrote:
How much do you squat?
I’ve squatted 365x3 before without issues, but after a year of no training I can only do 300x3 right now.
I’ll try and get a video of my technique.
[quote]GVela wrote:
dude that STB video about leg positon will do the trick.
also, i notice with a few partners i train with who have the same issue; are you an overpronator when you walk? over pronators wear out the inside of their shoe soles first. all over pronators i know had a knee crave issue at one point and time.[/quote]
I’ve been using an orthopedic support that supports the inside of my foot to stop overpronation for a couple years now. I’m almost normal now even without it. I have it in my trainers when I squat too.
Here is me squatting from earlier today (sorry for shit quality):
My depth sucks
I filmed a few more sets before this and was surpsied at how high I was squatting. I went as low as I physically could in that clip… I need to change something, not sure what though.
Normal speed version: checking squat technique. - YouTube
You’re not hitting parallel. Other than that I can’t see any real problems.
I will fix this very simply.
When you start your start, in your head scream knees out knees out as loud as you can or have someone scream it at you. This goes for the descending and ascending of the squat. Forcing the knees out with also allow you to hit parallel or JUST below it easier.
Here is the most important and ground-breaking thing you need to work on though,
Get stronger at squatting. You squat 300lbs, the least of your worries should be perfect perfect technique. Sometimes you just need to get stronger and your squat fixes itself.
The two aforementioned tips worked very well for me. Shove your knees out, and get stronger.
Above post is very UNhelpful.
Storm the Beachs video is helpful
you need a video from in front. if there is obstruction in front then setup video behond you -walk out from rack forwards and return backwardsg - you need to be squatting facing the camera
why is working out how to video so difficult for people: you put the phone/camera on a bench propped up against your shoes (surely you take them off to squat) or weight plates if it doesnt stand up on its own
Also just invest in a digital camera - spending �£20 on a camera will help your squats and deadlifts more than spending �£20 on creatine
and who cares if people find it odd that you’re videoing yourself in the gym. I think ive met about 2 people i like in a gym in 3 years of going
You’re right mental cues and getting stronger is unhelpful. Go buy six cameras and film yourself at various different angles. I hear that is how everyone gets to a 700lbs raw squat.
Your focused on all the wrong things.
reverse lunges standing on 1-2 plates. Seriously.
I’m no professional, but the fact that you can’t push you’re knees out is because you’re inner quad is overpowering to your outer quad. Weak glutes may also be an underlying issue.
If that is the case, which you would be able to visibly tell, I would:
-Lacrosse ball to piriformis (loosen glutes)
-Foam roll inner quads/groin (loosen inner quads)
-Stretch abductor/adductor (loosen inner quads)
-Glute Bridges (activate glutes)
-2 sets leg extensions toes pointed in (very light) (activate outer quads)
Then squat
[quote]Kakarat wrote:
I’m no professional, but the fact that you can’t push you’re knees out is because you’re inner quad is overpowering to your outer quad. Weak glutes may also be an underlying issue.
If that is the case, which you would be able to visibly tell, I would:
-Lacrosse ball to piriformis (loosen glutes)
-Foam roll inner quads/groin (loosen inner quads)
-Stretch abductor/adductor (loosen inner quads)
-Glute Bridges (activate glutes)
-2 sets leg extensions toes pointed in (very light) (activate outer quads)
Then squat
this too! that was actually amazing.
Start with the simplest advice and give it a chance and if that doesn’t work, start going into the fancier advice.
Above post is correct.
Mental cues, get stronger.
don’t fucking listen to ros1816. Leave your God damn shoes on too squat. I am sure all the guys at raw unity squat barefooted… Jesus Christ…