Fish or Algae? What's the Better Omega-3 Supplement?

Algal Oil Vs. Fish Oil

You need to take omega-3 supplements, but what's better, fish or algae-based oil? Here's what you need to know.

Sales of omega-3 fatty acid supplements are booming. More people are learning about their wide-ranging benefits, including heart and brain health, mental well-being, eye and skin health, immune system support, and metabolic and anti-inflammatory benefits. That's great news.

Most people supplement their omega-3 intake with either fish oil (marine-based) or something like flaxseed or chia seed oil (plant-based). The latter have fallen out of favor, however.

Seeds and plant oils actually don't contain any DHA or EPA, the potent omega-3s we're after. Instead, they contain ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) that our bodies must convert to DHA/EPA. This conversion process is inefficient. You have to consume a ton of flax and chia to get adequate DHA/EPA as the end product. The ALA conversion rate is roughly 7% for EPA and 2-3% for DHA. Fish oil, packed with DHA/EPA, is clearly superior.

But now a new omega-3 supplement has entered the chat: algal oil. Some manufacturers claim it's superior to fish oil. Is it? Let's find out.

What is Algal Oil? And is it Better Than Fish Oil?

Algal oil is kinda plant-based and also kinda marine-based. Technically, it's considered marine-based since algae are aquatic organisms, but algae are neither plants nor animals; they're photosynthetic organisms. However, algal oil is properly regarded as vegan and that's one of its talking points: algal oil is the vegan alternative to fish oil.

So, does algal oil contain DHA and EPA? Yes. There's no conversion required. However, the DHA/EPA content is low compared to fish oil. Let's compare a top-selling algal oil to our top-selling omega-3 supplement, Flameout DHA-Rich Fish Oil (Buy at Amazon):

Per softgel:

  • Algal Oil: DHA 150 mg, EPA 75 mg
  • Flameout: DHA 667 mg, EPA 133 mg

If you run the math, you'd need to take about 4.5 softgels of algal oil to equal one softgel of Flameout for DHA content. (DHA is the powerhouse of the omega-3 duo.)

Based on studies, a clinically effective daily dose of DHA/EPA is:

  • DHA: 2000 mg
  • EPA: 400 mg

That's what you get from one serving (three softgels) of Flameout. To get an equivalent amount from the top-selling algal oil supplement, you'd need to take 13.5 softgels daily to equal the DHA content.

Pricewise, algal oil supplements are all over the place, but the manufacturing process of algal oil is generally more expensive. However, if you compare the DHA/EPA content, algal oil is much pricier since you'd need to take far more softgels than the manufacturers list on their labels to get a beneficial dose. A "30-day supply" of algal oil will only last two or three days if you want to get enough DHA/EPA.

What About Environmental Impact?

Besides the vegan angle, algal oil makers claim their algae products are more environmentally friendly. Are they? Yes and no.

It's true, making algal oil doesn't require any fishing. But it does require energy. A lot of it. The growing, fertilizing, harvesting, drying, extracting, and refining processes require massive amounts of electricity, which requires a lot of fossil fuels. So if you're buying algal oil to "save the planet," it's more of a neutral trade-off.

So, Is Algal Oil Good or Not?

  • Algal oil is the best choice of omega-3 supplementation for strict vegans, superior to flaxseed and chia.
  • You have to take a lot of algal oil to get an impactful amount of DHA and EPA (far more softgels than listed as a serving size on the label), making it much more expensive.
  • Environmentally, it's a wash. Algal oil may help reduce fishing, but it's energy-intensive. Besides, modern fish oil supplements like Flameout are produced using ethically sustainable methods.
  • If you're not a rich vegan, fish oil is still the best choice. It's more potent, requires fewer daily softgels, and is less expensive.

Buy Flameout at Amazon


What about Krill oil. ? Is that the same thing ?1

Not exactly the same as fish; krill are tiny shrimp-like crustaceans. But comparable to fish oil and better than vegan options like algae, flax, or chia.