Hi. I was wondering if it matters whether you get your omega threes from flax or fish oils? What’s the difference? Is one better than the other?
Like all things in life I suggest a happy medium.
Flax has to be converted by your body, and so is limited by the amount of enzymes you have to do that, therefore I consider fish oil is superior. But that doesn’t mean flax oil is bad, and the idea of using both is a good idea.
My daily intake -
2 tablespoons fresh ground flax seed
2 capsules of FlameOut! (half the rec. dose)
mucho wild fish and grass-fed beef
I’m remembering reading somewhere to try and get 1/2 from the fish oils.
[quote]Kailash wrote:
My daily intake -
2 tablespoons fresh ground flax seed
2 capsules of FlameOut! (half the rec. dose)
mucho wild fish and grass-fed beef
Damn,sounds like part of my diet.
[quote]The Mage wrote:
Flax has to be converted by your body, and so is limited by the amount of enzymes you have to do that, therefore I consider fish oil is superior. But that doesn’t mean flax oil is bad, and the idea of using both is a good idea.[/quote]
exactly skip the middle man who is not a very efficient worker and go right for the wholesale direct take the fish oils. no limited conversion needed.
I read that 30% of linolenic acid found in flaxseeds is converted into EPA/DHA, which is in fish oil.
To obtain an optimal level of omega3:omega6 (1:1 ~ 1:3) fatty acids in your diet I think it’s best to supplement with flax oil and fish oil.