First Timer Thinking about Using Gear

Hello everyone, as you can see by my pic I’m not that big anymore and I’ll explain why. I workout regularly and eat right. The reason for me wanting to run some gear is simple. On December 6, 2011, I got both of my arms crushed in a tire machine. I would be happy to show pics if you don’t believe me but I figured I’d spare everyone the shock and not put them in with this post.

For 13 months I couldn’t do anything and the only workout I got was 12 ounce curls. I got fat, and lost pretty much all of my size and strength. My profile pic was taken 2 weeks ago after cutting for about 2 and a half months after I was cleared to lift again. I went from 216 pounds to right around 185. I’m tired of cutting and I want to add on some meat before I cut the rest of this fat off my body. Like I said before, my diet is immaculate and I train hard.

Any rec’s on a good starting cycle for someone in my position? I thought about making my own tren ace and running that, but I don’t think that’s feasible considering my gf (who i live with) would never let that fly. I’m new to gear world so any advice would help. I’ve done a ton of research and I definitely want to move forward with this. So let a bro know what he has to do.

I kinda wanna see the pics haha

I’d run a basic test E or C cycle, 10-12 weeks at 500mg a week with an AI, hcg, and proper pct

+1 on seeing pics

And if youi’ve done “a ton of research” as you claim, you should know at least enough to put out a proposed beginner cycle for critique.

Post pics pretty please.

Here’s the pics of my arms, as far as posting a cycle for you guys to critique, there is so much conflicting information out there and everyone seems to always be arguing over this and that so I just thought I’d ask. But what I was thinking about was a 12 week cycle of test e at 500 mg and 1o weeks deca at 400 mg. I’ve heard conflicting information on running deca on your first cycle, what do you guys think?

As far as PCT I’ve read to take clomid, nolvadex, and EOD. Clomid taken twice a day at 50 mg a pop, nolvadex at 20 mg a day, and as far as EOD there is a big variance in what I have read. Anything I’m missing or anything I don’t need? I really appreciate all of the help guys, like I said before I’m new to this so if something sounds wrong let me know, that’s why im here. second pic to follow.

and my left hand, completely crushed, no cartliage in my thumb, two pins holding it together, this was the main cause of not being able to do anything. I started taking cissus and it helped tremendously with the pain in my thumb.


Stick with a test only cycle, too many horror stories with deca.

Weeks 1-12 test e 250mg 2x week

Weeks 1-14 adex .25mg - .50mg EOD, adjust dose need be, taper down in the last week before pct

Week 15 -18 pct
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50

Have some extra Nolva on hand in case of estrogen sides


well we usually encourage folk to do their own research but seeing as you posted those hideous pics:

500mg test E for 12 weeks, pinning Monday and Thursday
adex .25mg or .5mg eod depending on tolerance to E
hcg 250is two or three times a week stopping three or four days before PCT
two weeks after your last pin run four weeks of nolva at 40/40/20/20, clomid at 50/50/50/50, or both

optional extra

dianabol at 40mg ed for first four weeks
anavar as high as you can afford for the first four weeks (shit ain’t cheap though)

dammit, BUDS beat me to it

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
+1 on seeing pics

And if youi’ve done “a ton of research” as you claim, you should know at least enough to put out a proposed beginner cycle for critique. [/quote]

And VTballa loves these kinda pics :0

[quote]rds63799 wrote:

well we usually encourage folk to do their own research but seeing as you posted those hideous pics:

500mg test E for 12 weeks, pinning Monday and Thursday
adex .25mg or .5mg eod depending on tolerance to E
hcg 250is two or three times a week stopping three or four days before PCT
two weeks after your last pin run four weeks of nolva at 40/40/20/20, clomid at 50/50/50/50, or both

optional extra

dianabol at 40mg ed for first four weeks
anavar as high as you can afford for the first four weeks (shit ain’t cheap though)

Man just saw the pics.Ya rds he deserves some help haha thats nasty,glad you made it through that op.

Those injuries remind me of a bomb maker I came across in the sand box, Your not Al Qaeda are you?

Kidding, but EOD stands for “every other day”

Read up on this link as well.

If you get lean right now and then blow up lean you’ll probably end up where you want to be faster than if you got on while still having some fat on you because you’ll most likely end up losing most gains if you try and cut after that. Either that or try and lose as much bf as possible while on would be my recommendation and 500 mg test e is plenty for the first time