First Test Cycle - Thoughts?

Background info:
Height: 6’1
Weight: 210lbs
BF: 13%

Goals: Strength!(and mass of course). I wish to increase my vertical and bench/squats/deadlifts

I am 24 years old and have been lifting since I was 15. Although my novice years weren’t all effective. Due to over training with improper routines and not knowing the importance of diet. After research and a good work ethic I saw gains though. I dealt with injuries in the past such as a fractured left collarbone/shattered left wrist and an injured left ankle.

18 months ago I completed my PCT for a 3 week mdrol(superdrol) cycle. I preloaded my cycle support for two weeks then did a 20/20/30 cycle of mdrol. I did a 4 week PCT of nolva at 40/30/20/10 while continuing my cycle support.

I just got blood work done from my family doctor and said my hormone levels are perfectly normal and healthy. Although I never had blood work done before this I believe.

week 1-12 test e 500mg mon/thurs
week 2-12 hcg 1000 iu mon/thurs
week 1-12 adex .5mg EOD
week 14-18 nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomoid at 100/75/50/25

I’ll be taking a multi vitamin, fish oil twice a day, milk thistle twice a day and flaxseed 3 times a day.

training split
monday: flat bench(4x4), incline bench(3x10), shoulder press (4x5),tricep (3x10), tbar rows (4x5), seated cable rows(3x10), rear delt flies(3x10), bicep(3x10)
tuesday: deadlifts (4x4),squats (3x8), hamstring curls (3x12), barbell lunges, , calf raises (4x15), reverse hyper extensions (3x12)
thursday: seated cable rows (4x5), tbar rows(3x10), rear delt flies (3x10, biceps (3x10), incline bench (4x5), flat bench (3x8), shoulder press (3x10) triceps (3x10)
friday: squats (4x4), rack pulls (4x4), barbell lunges, roman deadlifts (3x12), , calf raises (4x15),

Other comments/ questions:
When I went to my doctor he said he didn’t see any male pattern baldness and there’s no prob with it in my family. To be safe can I run nizoral 2% and rogaine during the cycle?

I have watched videos on how to properly inject, can I mix my HCG in the same syringe as my test. I have enough test/adex/hcg for a 15 week cycle. By week 12 If I have no sides can I continue another week or two, if you think this will be detrimental I will gladly stop at 12.

Am I taking to much hcg, I originally planned on 500 iu a week but a few people told me they saw to retain full function of your balls you need 1000 iu.

Is the clomoid needed

Great to see someone did there homework, that looks like a great first cycle.

Your right, that HCG dose is a little high. Try 500iu or 750iu split into 2-3 shots per week. Keep in mind that Estrogens are created in your testicles as well, and HCG will elevate your Estrogen. Arimidex is bad at suppressing aromatase activity in your Testicles, and elevated E2 can lead to acne, high blood pressure, headaches, and perhaps worst of all bitchiness.

Don’t mix your HCG with your Test. Shoot them seperatly. Oil based suspension are pinned into your muscle, and water based suspesion are generally injected ‘subcutaneously’ or under your skin. Buy some insulin pins from wal-mart (they’re available over the counter), and load your HCG into 3 or 4 of those pins. You can re-use the HCG pins, if of course you keep them refrigerated.

No need for the anti balding meds IMO, just plain old Test won’t do that much, especially if you aren’t genetically inclined.

Otherwise, great cycle proposal. Should net you some awesome results. Realize your enhanced and push yourself in the gym and in the kitchen.


Thanks for the reply after further research I saw HCG needs to be injected into fat. I think I’ll do a 250 iu injection of hcg on mon/thursd. Are you saying adex is a bad idea? And I guess I’ll keep the cycle to just 12 weeks. Should I frontload any test

Pct should start in week 15 if your gonna run a 12 week test cycle and run your adex through the 2 weeks before pct. also, you may have to play around with your adex dose I find .5 EOD is too much for me. Other than that looks good man have fun and be safe

seeing as how i will have 1500 mg of test e left over would it be wise to frontload or is that not safe for a first time injecter

You can do a frontload if you want

750mg or 1g for the first 2 weeks?

What I have been told You double your dose the first week 750mg Monday, 250mg Thursday,so 1000mg your first week, then continue at 250mg twice a week.

imma do 40/20/20/10 for my nolva is that okay

I would do 40/40/20/20

I usually don’t do these many exercises. I figured since I’m on steroids and upping my intake of cals I could do more exercises and sets. Should I knock off isolating my triceps or do bench/incline one day and bench/shoulder press the next. So say one day do bench 4x4/incline 3x10/triceps 2x10 then bench 3x8/shoulder press 4x5/triceps 2x10? the next day

I will probably do 2 push work outs then 2 pull workouts and so on and son

monday: flat bench(4x4) shoulder press (3x10), tbar rows (4x5), seated cable rows( or low rows instead)(3x10), dips (3x10) rear delt flies(3x10), bicep(3x10)
tuesday: deadlifts (4x4),squats (3x8), hamstring curls (3x12), barbell lunges, , calf raises (3x15), reverse hyper extensions (3x12)
thursday: seated cable rows ( or low rows instead) (4x5), tbar rows(3x10), incline bench(4x5) flat bench (3x8) rear delt flies (3x10), biceps (3x10), close grip bench (3x10)
friday: squats (4x4), rack pulls (3x8), barbell lunges, roman deadlifts (3x12), , calf raises (3x15)

would this be better