First Show - First in Teen Division

Here are some pics from my first show. I took first in the teen divsion and took second in the middle weights only weighing 156.

quarter turn

Side Chest

Read Double bi

overall, you look pretty solid. I’d like to see wider lats and more developed arms, and more size in general, but for 156 you’re looking good.

holy shit bro you shrunk down.

must have been a bitch losing all that weight.

congratulations on the win though

congrats on first show. look pretty good, just keep adding lots of size cause you have good shape

nice physique how tall are you?

I don’t want to be an ass, but looking at your photo’s in your profile and here, it looks like you over dieted by 3-4 weeks. Your 7 weeks out would have been a solid 3 weeks out shot from what it looks like to me.
I think you would have done better at 165 than 156.

It takes a lot of experience i’m sure to dial this down.
I know CT made the same mistake in an earlier contest.

Congratulations and good luck.


Hey man great work, some might argue that you should have waited but honestly you can now say you have done it and you know what it takes. Now you can focus on adding some more size, congrats on the win

tnt2005- I’am 5’8"

limitatinfinity-I was trying to get down to the lightweight but i misjudged how much I could lose and I missed it by two pounds, and I’am hearing from a lot of people that I should have kept me weight at 160’s.

[quote]Bone160 wrote:
tnt2005- I’am 5’8"

limitatinfinity-I was trying to get down to the lightweight but i misjudged how much I could lose and I missed it by two pounds, and I’am hearing from a lot of people that I should have kept me weight at 160’s.[/quote]


From your profile
180 lbs x %12 BF = 158lbs lean mass

You came in at 156lbs. There’s no way you could have made 154 without losing quite a bit of lean mass even after considering water weight.

It’s cool though, you did well and you learned something.

I’m sure you’ll do better next time around.

I wouldn’t rush it though. You have some mass to gain before you’ll look competitive in the middles again.

Good luck


wow you look so different from the profile pics.

Well done on your win, what are your future plans?

Great job on the win dude. And great job for competing at all. Your lats look good but more arm size and, if possible, more pronounced abs, would really do your physique a lot of good.

Add even more size and get back out on stage again.

looking good man, yeah people right about the losing a little mass, but natural, first contest, only a teen? you did real well man, keep it up, gain like a motherfucker. got any back shots?

what was your bodyfat at 7 weeks out?

great work man.

Only critiques i’ve got for you other than trying to put on another 10-15 lbs by your next contest would be bring up your shoulders as much as possible. This will give you a bigger appearance on stage even at the same weight. Also, work on widening your chest, you’ve got good mass to it, but try to spread out a little with your chest and lats.

Great work man, keep it up.