First real cycle help

So ive run my first cycle, 200 mg test c and started with 25 mg of anavar bumped up to 50 mg for a total of 6 weeks and have been off for about 3 months. Want to start another cycle and up test to 400 and move on from var to deca. What i want to know is side effects i should be aware of, how often to pin etc…

What I want to know is:

What are your goals?

Why do you need Deca?

Did Test/Var not work for you?

Do you have health assessment (lipids, blood pressure, thyroid all concerns while on cycle)?

How often you pin depends on how you respond, don’t see that in the post. If you feel better injecting more often, do that.

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I had no sides, nor any health issues while on everything went pretty smooth and felt great. Im naturally low testosterone so im on trt as is. Test/var was a little mild which is fine for first cycle seen decent results. would like to make a jump up to something with a little better results doesnt have to be deca so far deca just seemed like a decent compound. Ive been looking into primo quite a bit as well just havent made the decision yet wanted to know more before i did.

Describe “decent results.”

Why increase AAS when you are getting good results on the amount of AAS that you are taking? IMO, never increase AAS until you have reached a plateau. It is a very simple feedback system.

Keep in mind that all use of AAS comes with a risk vs reward paradox.

You didn’t mention your age, weight, strength, or years weight training. Do you have a long-term goal that you feel necessitates the use of AAS?

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Over the summer I ran my first cycle at 350mg test C for 16 weeks with 50mg var for the last 12 as a split dose.

I wanted to preserve muscle while cutting some fat, or even chase the hallowed recomp. It worked.

One of my liver enzymes was elevated about 4x the norm, I think AST, but it normalized pretty quickly. All other values were fine.

I just started a test/NPP cycle. 200 mg test cyp and 200 mg NPP. Goals this time are to build some muscle and strength.

NPP is Nandrolone, like deca.

I pin daily with a 30 gauge diabetic needle and rotate two spots in each thigh and one in each shoulder, so each location is hit roughly 1x per week.

I have masteron on hand if I get the dreaded Deca dick, but so far no problem.

Tuesday will be the start of week 4, all lab values were solid at the onset. This week I definitely realized a notable boost in strength and recovery.

Sides so far are elevated blood pressure but nothing drastic, and an elevated heart rate. I’ve found that being extra strict with salt keeps the heart rate down, for me. And it’s up during the day, most notably. My resting heart rate at night came up from 54 to 61, but is now at the low end of the “normal” value threshold, so I’m not too concerned.

No labs yet to see anything internally but I have lab work planned in a few more weeks.

I went with NPP over Deca in case I do have issues as it clears out of the body quicker.

Happy to update later.

Edit: I also take Cycle Support by Nutriissa.


I was thinking the same thing, npp seems like a valid option over deca and same results. I guess i didnt run var long enough for any liver toxicity mine came back barely over normal, var was a great compound for strength and muscle hardening when loosing weight. Right now id like to gain more mass, please update id like to hear!