26 240lbs 10% bf lifting 7 years, diets good etc etc
1000 mg test 400
600 mg eq
100 mg anadrol
w2-5 800 mg test 400
600 mg eq
100 mg anadrol
800 mg test 400
600 mg eq
250 mg deca
100 mg anavar ED
test eq and deca will be split up eod in order to get more of a steady stream.
armidex .50 ed for the entire time
nolva 100-100-80-60-40
any ideas or advice would be awesome.
i have taken most of this before with little or no sides except the eq, never tried that.
i’ve never used deca but it has a extremely long halflife… either put that shit in at the beginning or cut it out all together… Looks like quite abit adex as well… might try .25mg everyday or EOD to start with.
^^ what he said. Try a slightly lower Arimidex dosage at first, .5 EOD may be a good place to start, and adjust depending on libido and joint feel. As for Deca, run it from the beginning or drop it all together, or look into NPP, it feels fucking fantastic, with much quicker gratification, and many Western UGLs have it for the exact same price/mg of Nandrolone when you factor ester length.
As for PCT, your Nolvadex dosage seems a little high, perhaps try a lower dosage over 5 or 6 weeks, or something similar.
Also 100mg of Anavar ED for 9 weeks? Be prepared to get bent over on that. 7+ Bottles of Anavar assuming 10mg (never seen Var in 20+ mg) and 100 tablets per bottle. That’s the cost of a solid cycle in itself.
[quote]PAINTRAINDave wrote:never seen Var in 20+ mg
interesting, I’ve only ever seen it in 50mg tabs
thanks for the advice, ive only ever seen var at 10mg tabs, i know it going to be expensive but everything has a price. i will move the deca to the start of my cycle and monitor my adex intake.
[quote]ironhead11 wrote:
thanks for the advice, ive only ever seen var at 10mg tabs, i know it going to be expensive but everything has a price. i will move the deca to the start of my cycle and monitor my adex intake. [/quote]
I agree with Dave.
I would look into NPP, deca is a disgusting compound IMO. For most people I know (including me) that have used deca, their libido’s and erections have NEVER been the same again. I would only ever use deca if I was on TRT and not coming off, other then that I wouldn’t even consider it.
I strongly consider replacing it with NPP if it is available.