Hey guys, I’m 6’1" 21 years old and 178lbs, Before I get the typical ÿou can grow to 200lbs naturally" let me tell you no I can’t. Not in a timely fashion that is. My parents left me with horrible genes for bodybuilding but it is what I love anyway. My brother is 140lbs which is typically where the men in my family stay.
I made it to around 180lbs through pure hard training and dieting for a few years. I seem to have been stuck there so I decided to “boost” to the next plateau weight. I want to be 205 after PCT.
Anyway let’s get to the good stuff… My cycle will be 500mg test e per week. I have adex on hand to use at .5mg eod if gyno symptoms show their ugly faces. PCT two weeks after last injection will consist of nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50…
I am really interested in advice on the PCT since it is so far away and can still be modified.
BTW I am currently midway through week 3 pinning Sun/Wed so today will be pin #6
Since the start of my cycle, I am up 8lbs at 186lbs… will keep this updated. LET’S TALK
If you can I would get ahold of HCG and run that throughout the rest of your cycle, pinning 250iu on injection days. It will make recovery easier. How long is your cycle? PCT looks fine to me. Ive seen others use an Aromasin&Nolvadex PCT. I personally have not tried it though.
I am running this cycle for 12 weeks. & Thanks, HCG was recommended by a few of my friends who do fairly “heavy” cycles. Many of the older guys I know in this game tell me that it should be reserved for second and third cycles when you are running other compounds as well. I’m still looking into it. Have you ever run a test e only cycle and what was your experience with/ without HCG?
I am running this cycle for 12 weeks. & Thanks, HCG has been recommended to me by some of my friends that are doing fairly “heavy” cycles. Some of the older guys that I know in this game say that it should be reserved for second and third cycles when you are running more compounds. What was your experience? Have you ever run a test only cycle with/ without HCG?
Im doing my first cycle right now. Follow my log that on here called “First Cycle Log” I started using HCG last week doing 500iu a week. Why not add it in if you can get it? It makes recovery easier, which I think is important, especially at the age of 21
Others on here will say that it is not needed though, so I guess its just personal preference on what you want to do. I chose to use it, but you dont absolutely need it.
I’m only reserved about taking HCG because I would rather take less drugs than more. I am trying to figure out if I’d really need it or not, and everyone I talk to says that recovery after your first test only cycle is fairly easy and HCG is not needed. Still I will follow your log because I see we’re the same age so it only makes sense to see what progress you achieve.
You’re absolutely right about the plateau thing… I am not completely plateaued (if that’s how you spell it) but at this point it’s become super difficult to gain weight. I’ve done diet changes and put myself in surplus but it feels like I’m just not making it. Due to this issue I’m curious to see if I can maintain the growth after cycle.
You should be fine with just the Nolva. I run only test cycles, and never had to use HCG or any AI. I always had a-dex on hand, just never had symptoms, and never had issues recovering. Im on my third cycle now, which is test prop 150Mg eod. Previous was sustanon 250 @ 500mg/week (back in college) then test prop 100Mg eod last summer. I also take proviron 50Mg every day, which i feel is a good addition to a test only cycle.
I am actually very interested in proviron. I just didnt want to take it on a first cycle so i can really isolate how test effects me. Let me ask you this, isnt one of the effects of proviron an AI in itself? It binds to the receptors that would cause aromatization?
Also have you run a test cycle with and without proviron? What differences did you notice?
Hey guys just an update. I am on week 3 and have taken my second dose for the week (shot #6). Today for a second I felt a slight burning sensation in my left nipple. Didn’t feel it again at all. Is it time to start AI’s or am I just over-thinking it here??
[quote]treygold123 wrote:
I am actually very interested in proviron. I just didnt want to take it on a first cycle so i can really isolate how test effects me. Let me ask you this, isnt one of the effects of proviron an AI in itself? It binds to the receptors that would cause aromatization?
Also have you run a test cycle with and without proviron? What differences did you notice?[/quote]
Proviron is not itself an AI. It is a fairly low androgenic drug by itself, but has some good multi-purpose qualities that I believe make it worth running with Test only cycles. It binds to SHBG, freeing up more of your test for use. It also has a high affinity for the aromatase enzyme, so in a way it acts like a indirect AI. It also has good libido effects. By itself, not so good. Coupled with test, I think its worth it if you get a good price.
No Cougarpride I’m not even going to be mean or waste my time mentioning that the OP is a 170lbs at 6 foot plus but, is doing everything humanly possible to put on strength and size but since his parents fucked him in the genetic game so its not his fault he sucks at life he just CANT do anything about it and is doomed to be skinny for the rest of his life…
Yeah it makes you wonder what kind of a life this guy lives when his favorite passtime is scouring the web for threads to complain on haha.
Anyway the sensitive nipple problem stopped. I took 20mg of nolva and my .5mg adex. Will continue adex eod for the remainder of the cycle and run nolva for the next 3-5 days to be sure that no gyno symptoms persists.
[quote]treygold123 wrote:
Yeah it makes you wonder what kind of a life this guy lives when his favorite passtime is scouring the web for threads to complain on haha.
Anyway the sensitive nipple problem stopped. I took 20mg of nolva and my .5mg adex. Will continue adex eod for the remainder of the cycle and run nolva for the next 3-5 days to be sure that no gyno symptoms persists. [/quote]
Lol dick head I wasn’t complaining and my favorite pastime lol really I make a average of 1 - 2 posts in this section a day. Also if it wasn’t for all the dumb fucks on here lately making shitty posts it wouldn’t seem like I was bitching as much. But to tell you the life I lead I am 40 hour a week employee, full time student, personal trainer on the side, work security 2 nights a week, and still make time to train… So I’d say my life is well enough but, thanks for making a notice.