Hey there brothers, I would like the advice of some meet experienced gentlemen stronger than I to aid me in my first meet prep. This going to be a long post so please bear with me if you are actually interested in helping
Slight back ground: been lifting on and off since age 15 (i am now 24). I was very very serious about the gym and was stronger than I am now back then as i’m sure some people are/were. Not to get deep into it, because i am not a sob story and this is not what this thread is for, but I’ve had my share of issues and demons physically and mentally, and finally have found myself in a good place in the last six months to actually start to build back up a decent physique and decent strength.
I have always followed strength sports, and have done a lot of research on nutrition and strength training for these years, but never actually applied them to myself for various reasons (all of them not good reasons). As i said before i finally have the stability in myself where i felt the urge to dedicate myself to something for the better, so after a few months getting my body back to be able to lift and in a semi decent shape, i picked a local meet and set to work.
I have found through some trail and error that i enjoy and see results on the Conjugate System. (I would say westside but i know some body would come flying in here saying i don’t train westside because i don’t train at westside, which is true, but you get what i am saying i’m sure).
Squat 315
Deadlift 410
Bench 235
Weight 260, body fat around 20% probably more honestly.
Before anyone says it, yes these numbers are not good in any comparison to someone my size and age. But I am proud of them because of the progress I’ve made, so please don’t point out the obvious to me, i am here to get better. In the past six months I have put close to 40lbs on squat and deadlift, and 25 on my bench. Some of this is probably muscle memory, some of this is hard work. Again I am nothing to write home about, nor am i pretending to be.
I am looking for some help on ideas of peaking and gaining strength up to the meet. I do not want to change systems as this one for the moment is proving great for me.
The meet is May 21st.
Again sorry for this long open book story, but i felt i needed to express my needs and story a little bit for people to understand where i am coming from.
Thank you in advance for all advice.