first log - hoping to gain alot of knowledge that can help my lifting career here!
First alittle background
Started lifting after highschool because I wanted to stop being the fat kid. Went from somewhere around 260 to as low as 220. Dabbled with that for my freshman year and really started to lift after I met me lifting partner sophmore year. Since then, I’ve become obsessed with increasing my weights. With this, I’ve put on too much weight, currently sitting around 290.
Current stats:
Bench: 340
Squat: 550
Deadlift: 585
Only vids I have uploaded at the moment at my youtube channel
One is a squat at 500, and 525 (? i think)
Don’t think my depth is quite right, so that needs to improve. My bench is terrible. I don’t have a video of it, but have one of a deadlift from a few months ago I’ll try and get up soon.
I’m currently following 5/3/1 for my upperbody lifts (bench and military)
For my squat and deadlift, I’m following three week mini cycles of 1RM, 3RM, 2RM staggering the weeks for sq and dl so that 1RM on sq wk = 3RM on dl wk and vice versa.
600 squat and deadlift
370 bench
225 military
lose some bodyweight so that I feel better about myself and improve conditioning. Any and all help is appreciated on the weightloss and conditioning, I know how to starve myself from my first weight lose, haha.