ME Squat
Squat to parallel box
135 x alot
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 3 Added Belt
495 x 3 Added Wraps
515 x 3
Pin Good Mornings
5 x 135, 225, 275, 315, 405
45* Back Raise
5 x 15
Standing Cable Abs
2 x 15 x 85
1 x 12 x 100
1 x 9 x 130
Alot that I didn’t write down, just experimenting with the standing abs
Cardio and Abs
20 minutes of treadmill
Standing Abs Enough till I felt them good
Side Bends with 120 few sets of 15 to 20
4/5/2011 ME Press
Incline Worked upto 3RM
135 x 3
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 3
275 x 3
JM Press
15 x 95
10 x 115, 135, 155
6 x 185
2 x 15 x 195
Pull Downs
10 x 165
4 x 10 x 190
Shrugs (DB)
5 x 15 x 75
4/8/2011 DE SQ/DL
550 x 75% = ~415
10 x 2 x 415
Speed Pulls
10 x 1 x 365
5 x 10
Standing Abs
5 x 20
DE Bench
330 x 55% = ~185
8 x 3 x 185
4 Board Press
135 x 3
225 x 3
315 x 3
335 x 5
365 x 5
385 x 1
495 x 1 ← These two sets for the hell of it, finally got a good board, wanted to see what I could lock out
DB Bench
3 x 10 x 100
2 x 10 x 75
BB Rows
5 x 10 x 225
Free Squat (Busy, couldn’t steal enough plates for a box and to squat)
135 x alot
225 x some
315 x 1
Belt on
405 x 1
Knee wraps
495 x 1
545 x 1
After, decided to see how much wraps help me (cheap wraps, see my ongoing search for new)
495 x 1 this is a huge pr without knee wraps, probably +50lb
Straight leg DL
315 x 8
405 x 5
455 x 5
Tried out Dimels, don’t know if I was doing them right, so skipped to Straight leg
finished with some 45 back raises and standing abs for 5 x 15
4/13/2011 ME Bench
Floor Press Worked upto 5RM
bar x 5
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
285 x 5
Tate Presses
10 x 30, 40, 50, 60
15 x 45
Neutral Grip Pullups /ss/ Seated DB cleans
5 x 10
Used 25 on cleans
Standing Abs
5 x 10
4/15 DE SQ/DL
10 x 2 x 430
Speed Pulls
10 x 1 x 365
Decided to work up to a heavy beltless single on DL and call it a day. Crazy weekend, had 20 hours of classroom/simulator time to go through in addition to the typical workload. Too say I’ve been running like a banshee this weekend is an understatement.
Worked upto 495 for a single with nothing but alil chalk. Big PR for me and thats after squating and pulling, so thats a promising sing, especially since I felt weak the entire workout.
DE Bench
10 x 3 x 185
Board Press
I did some, nothing that I want to type here. Very sad. Very sad indeed. I blame the 20 hours of class, but its probably a comboination of that and me being a puss.
DB Press
3 x 10 x 100
2 x 10 x 85
Died on the big boys, so finished with the 85’s, think the last set i got around 12-15 reps before I gave up the ghost.
Pendalay Rows
5 x 5 x 225
After reading the thread in the powerlifting section, I’m aware how much my back sucks. Its tiny. Really going to focus on rowing and chinning.
That’s it, back to the grind Monday, woohoo!
Low Box Squats (At least 2in below parallel)
Worked upto a grinding 495 x 1…really low box. surprised i pulled it off
Straight Leg Deads
5 x 225, 275, 315, 405, 455
Standing Abs and Hamstring Machine
5 x 10
ME Bench
Floor Press
worked upto a 335 x 1. Feel like my bench is finally improving, 335 floors a huge PR for me.
Tri Pushdowns /ss/ Lat Pulldownss
5 x 15
Upper Back Work
2 sets shrugs
2 sets facepulls
2 sets db cleans
3 x 8 barbell
Some concentrations
For the hell of it, worked up on close grip bench (competition with my friend)
hit 300 x 1
Speed Squat
8 x 2 x 405
Worked upto a 545 single (hip was tight throughout, so I cut 2 sets of speeds, but felt pretty strong)
10 x 1 x 315
Standing abs
5 x 15
Pull Throughs
3 x 15
Ok, I suck at keeping a log, so instead of back tracking, just give a general over view.
Hit PRs on floor press (340), pin lockouts (405). Squats maintaining themselves nice, down about 6 pounds. I’ve been doing most of my accessory work in the 10 - 15 rep range, trying to drop to 260 before next semester starts (so I can bulk again, duh…lol)
5/16/2011 ME SQ
Squat to low box
Worked upto 495, went for 525 but the box snuck up on me and i basically plopped down, for lack of a better word. Almost got it up even after losing tightness, but failed.
After being pissed off over squats, decided some straight leg deads were the ticket.
Worked upto 455 x 3, 495 x 1, 505 x 1
Back raises 5 x 15
Kneeling abs on cables and side bends 5 x 15
Gonna start this up again. Little update, been trying to cut down some, started around Jan 12, at 290ish, currently sitting right around 270. I’ve switched gears with my training to a more body part split with my days looking like this:
Main Movement (Bench, Squat, Military, Deadlift)
Heavy Accessory Movement (Singles sometimes, maybe a variation on the main movement for 1 - 3)
Then switching gears to hypertrophy work
Variation of main movement for 5 sets of 10 reps
Throw in some isolation movements depending on day for 5 sets between 12 to 15 reps
Steady State Cardio for 20minutes to end
Recently hit a PR squat of 590 w/o wraps, but no video of it, have some more videos up on my facebook/youtube accounts