First Cycle

i’ve done phs. havoc, phera-max, m-drol. all great cycles. i’m 24. 6’2 250. eh 15% bf. who knows. bench 350ish. dead 495x5, squat 405x5. maybe a little lighter right now.

anyway i was thinking of
test e @ 500mgs weeks 1-14
d-bol @ 30mgs weeks 1-4 (probly up the dose after a week or 2)
winny @ 50mgs weeks 10-14

ok now i’m doing that for sure. have nolva on hand. supports ect. but i’m thinking of going down to test e @250 for 6 weeks after that and then running test e @ 600 for 12 weeks and deca @ 500 for 8 with d-bol again. ya ya i know its my first cycle but i can handle it. i’m more worried about permanent shut down and advice from those that have run similar cycles

research the test taper, you will find this far more effective than a standard nolva pct - which i doubt will be effective enough for your suggested cycle.
Run the dbol @ 40 mg a day.

Im not quite understanding the test enanthate @ 250mg for 6 weeks? is this a bridge?

I personally would drop this part of the cycle. Stick to your 14 weeks of test e, look into the test taper, and also research aromatose inhibitors, i would not want to be with out one when mixing test and dbol personally.

First cycle, eh? Let me give you some advice that will give you good results and also save you a pretty penny. Or, assuming you already have the compounds you mentioned, you can save them for the future when they’ll be needed most.

For a first cycle, especially with you being 24, just stick with test man.

My suggestion is to stick with test e like this:

Weeks 1-14: 250mg once every 4 days (500mg/wk)
Wks 15-20: 100mg/wk (one injection/wk)
21: 80
22: 60
23: 40
24: 20
25: 20

i mostly curious about what u guys think about the cruise and second cycle. will have adex for the whole thing, nolva, clomid and hcg for pct.

[quote]miggerbiggerboo wrote:

anyway i was thinking of
test e @ 500mgs weeks 1-14
d-bol @ 30mgs weeks 1-4 (probly up the dose after a week or 2)
winny @ 50mgs weeks 10-14


I like this, as a matter of fact mine coming up looks almost identical except im going 12 weeks and 50 mgs of d-bol but everything else is the same. granted this isn’t my first, as long as you have the a-dex, and you have the test taper procedure down i think you should be good to go. But i am inclined to take worlds advice and stick with just test for your first, like he said you’ll get great gains and if you do get any sides you’ll be able to pinpoint where they came from

[quote]miggerbiggerboo wrote:

anyway i was thinking of
test e @ 500mgs weeks 1-14
d-bol @ 30mgs weeks 1-4 (probly up the dose after a week or 2)
winny @ 50mgs weeks 10-14


I like this, as a matter of fact mine coming up looks almost identical except im going 12 weeks and 50 mgs of d-bol but everything else is the same. granted this isn’t my first, as long as you have the a-dex, and you have the test taper procedure down i think you should be good to go. But i am inclined to tell you to take worlds advice and stick with just test for your first, like he said you’ll get great gains and if you do get any sides you’ll be able to pinpoint where they came from

Sorry to hijak, but Game_Over, PM me your email.

Now, back on topic. I don’t necessarily disagree with World, but I had a very successful first cycle that was very similar to the first you posted. What I don’t get is the cruise. Your body will benefit from time off, and you are likely to experience greater gains if you’ll take the time to come fully off before going back on again.

Are you competing? Is your livelihood dependant upon AAS use? If not, don’t play dice with your balls. Do a cycle. Come off. Start your next cycle.

k i think i’m gunna run 2 seperate cycles seeing as how i’m not in this to be pro.

my buddy who has run 4 previous gear cycles is doing a pretty close cycle but the first one is the same but with 750 test 600 deca, same bridge at 250 test for 6 weeks, then 750 test 400 tren.

what dosing protocal would u guys run hcg with that whole 32 weeks? also why benifits do you guys get from tapering off of test?

[quote]miggerbiggerboo wrote:
k i think i’m gunna run 2 seperate cycles seeing as how i’m not in this to be pro.

my buddy who has run 4 previous gear cycles is doing a pretty close cycle but the first one is the same but with 750 test 600 deca, same bridge at 250 test for 6 weeks, then 750 test 400 tren.

what dosing protocal would u guys run hcg with that whole 32 weeks? also why benifits do you guys get from tapering off of test?[/quote]

I have no experience with HCG, but the taper allows for a seemless transition from being on to back to homeostasis. You’ve got a couple guys on this thread alone (at least) That are doing or have done the taper, with great success.

I want to start a new thread and keep miggerbiggerboo’s to him, although I have a similar cycle. How do you start a new one