First cycle

Been lifting for 5yrs and have finally decided to plunge the plunger. It will be my first cycle. I have the pick of; D-bol, Primobolan depot, Winny depot, Equipoise, Deca, and yes clomid. I was thinking of Primo & Winny. Don’t want to get too risky with something like the D-bol. However, I don’t like the idea of having to keep stick myself because the short half life of winny. Was hoping for some further advice. Thanks in advance.

Primo and Winny would be a safe stack, don´t expect to gain 25-30 pounds though.
The dosage most people on this board would
agree with is 50 mg of winny ED and 400 mg of primo.

I really belived all the crap people were saying about how toxic and dangerous d-bol
is-in reality this is simply not a problem for most people…

Like bateman said, however it doesn’t sound like you know that winny comes in orals as well, hell with winny you could drink the amps. So you wouldn’t have to stick yourself eod.

Good point, just remember to spread the doses
and there´s no need for you to become a pin
cushin. Brock Strasser belives that absorbtion would be a lot better with injection but then
again Bill Roberts responded to a question
regarding this and he seems to feel that theres
only a slight difference.