First Cycle. Would Like Input b4 I Start

me- 24, 4 years exp
6ft, 185lbs, less than 10% bf
Bench 235
Squat 315
Dead lift 285

The goal is bulking, 220 is my end game. (I know I wont get that just from 1 cycle)
I have taken 2 cycles of PH (M1T)while I was deployed. Did not do it right could have had much bigger gains no side effects that i noticed.

I plan to start a 10-12 wk cycle of Test E 750mg wk and deca 500mg wk pct will be Nolvadex 20 or 30mg pd and Clomid 50-100mg pd. how long after my last dose should i start pct? and am i over doing it with novla and clomid? That’s my biggest concern is the pct. And with the test and deca how should i split it during the week? Thanks for any positive and constructive criticism.

I think you have room to improve naturally, I think you should be able to at least 200lbs and improve those lifts without AAS. But to answer your questions: read the “Steroid Newbie Cycle Planning” sticky first. The injection schedule depends on the half-life of the drug you’re using, and so does PCT timing. If you read the stickies first you should be able to post a cycle proposal which people can then help you with.

Inject twice per week (every 3.5 days) and split the weekly dose into those 2 shots.

Stop running the deca two weeks before the test to let it run out and begin pct 2 weeks after last test shot.

Does that make sense?

thanks much! i really appreciate it.

okay I have updated and refined my cycle…
wk1)400mg test E / 300mg DECA (Mondays)
400mg Test E / 300mg DECA (Thursdays)
wk2) same…

wk3)350mg Test E / 250mg DECA (Mondays)
350mg Test E / 250mg DECA (Thursdays)
wk4) " "

wk5) " "

wk6) " "

wk7) " "

wk8) " "

wk9) 350mg Test E (Monday)
300mg Test E (Thursday)
wk10)" "

wk11) none

wk12) none

wk1) Novla 50mg PD/Clomid 100mg PD
wk2) Novla 50mg PD/Clomid 100mg PD
wk3) Novla 25mg PD/Clomid 50mg PD
wk4) Novla 25mg PD/Clomid 50mg PD

I think your frontloads are a little low. I’d up the first 2 test shots to 600mg and continue with 350/shot after that. I’d also up the first 2 deca shots to at least 450.

Looking at the big picture, running deca for 8 weeks is kind of a waste. I’ve heard recs of taking it for 12 weeks MINIMUM, meaning running the test for 14 weeks. If you want to run it for a shorter amount of time then look into getting npp, the short-estered form of deca.

As for the pct, it does seem a little excessive to me. I, personally, would either do the 40/40/20/20 protocol with just nolva or just do 6 weeks at 20mg/day nolva. Clomid, IMO, isn’t worth it…

okay right on thanks a lot I always can use some good solid advice. I will up the frontload, and drop the clomid and save it for some other time. I also will increase the duration of the cycle to 14 wks and run the deca 12 wks. Again thank you.