First Cycle: Test E - Feedback Appreciated

Age: 29 yrs old

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 75 kg

BF%: 4.9

Number of years training: 10 years


Diet: All year round very clean. Macro: Protein: Chicken 300 g and Fats : 150 g. I prefer to eat chicken breast due to low sodium levels compared to other protein sources.

Sunday -Thursday : Carb depletion. High protein and Moderate Clean Fats (Almonds and avocado).

Friday and Saturday: Carb load: Friday : 3kg sweet potato. Protein: 350 g. Fats : Zero. ( over 6 meals)

Daily water intake: 3-4 L water + BCCA 30 G/DAY.

I have been training for a long time. I feel my body is ready to enter the dark side.

I want to keep it as simple as possible. I dont know how my body will react. I also want to be extremely dry and lean.

This is want I intend to do:

1-3: 250 mg Test E
4-8: 500 mg Test E
9-12: 750 mg Test E
13-16: 250 mg Test E
1-16 and PCT: 12.5-25 MG EOD Aromasin (pending on how my body feels and any potential side effects).

2 weeks after the last pin :

PCT : 40/40/40/20/20 Nolva
Aromasin: 12.5 mg-25 mg EOD

Winny towards the end of the cycle ? weeks 12-16 to give me the dry look

What are your thoughts ?


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correct I am under 5%. Got a Dexa scan done a few days ago.

Just know that DEXA scans are known to produce very dubious results for bodyfat measurements. They are better for monitoring bone density. If you want a (probably) more accurate reading try finding a place that has a BodPod. I have a strong hunch youā€™ll get a higher reading. Not that it mattersā€¦

No need to taper test - just 500mg/wk throughout. Adding winny at the end is fine. Consider using hCG throughout your cycle. Everything else seems fine.

I will look around for a bodpod scan.

updated cycle:

1-3: 250 mg Test E
4-16: 500 mg Test E
13-16: 40 mg Winny
1-16 and PCT: 12.5-25 MG EOD Aromasin (pending on how my body feels and any potential side effects).
HGC : 500 ug/l per week ?
2 weeks after the last pin :

PCT : 40/40/40/20/20 Nolva
Aromasin: 12.5 mg-25 mg EOD

What are your thoughts ?