Good Evening Gents,
After about 4-5 months of planning (and still planning daily) this is my entire cycle from start to finish with all of the ancillaries, aas, pct, and a.i. information provided. I broke each section down for you, so it will be easier to isolate and find if you guys need to comment on a product.
So first off, let me give you all some background info on me. I am 28 years old, 5’8" and weigh 192 as of this morning with around 13-16% body fat. I come from a Sicilian background and I have the ideal bodytype for powerlifting/explosive lifts (I have been in a few competitions in my local gym, but nothing beyond this).
I am naturally a very strong guy, especially in the lower body. I have been interested in doing a cycle, mainly because I want to see where my genetic potential can get me. I also hate being sore. I am doing this more for strength and recovery (adding lean mass on aas is just an added bonus ) I respond very well to outside stimulus, which is I am only doing 350mg of test a week (I am planning another cycle 6 months after this one is completed…that is where I will bump up to 500mg).
I feel this will work well, especially since this is my first cycle, and because of all the other ancillaries/pct I have. My diet will be consisting of no more/or less than 2g's of protein per pound (so around 380-400g's, with carbs being double that, and fat hovering around 75-100g's per day).
I plan on doing a lot of old school workouts and explosive moments (i.e. bench, clean and press, squats, deadlifts, tire flips, etc). I am also a swimmer, and I enjoy a run 2-3 a week no more than 5 miles total). I plan on running this cycle starting on October 1st of this year, which still gives me the summer time to drop my body fat down a little more.
What do you guys think about the following breakdown of the cycle (10 weeks on test-e at 350mg's per week)? *Note* I do not have actual hcg because I do not want to stick myself 4-5x's a week...besides, the reviews I have read on hcgenerate have been great. I seen a lot of logs with guys taking way more in mg's and stacks than I am, and they have experienced no problems/shut down in the ol' family jewels.
Obviously, money is no option here, as it will take me months to acquire everything to be ready to start. I know a lot of you might think I am taking a lot of unnecessary items, but I rather do extra and cover all bases.
BCAA’s, fish oils, glucosamine, glutamine, beta-alanine, and creatine are used everyday for me as part of my regimen
2 weeks prior to first injection all the way to week 24 N2guard 7 caps every day with 500mg’s of Tudca (spread out through the day)
1-10 testosterone-E 175mg Twice a week Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday
1-10 HCGenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (increase a little more if needed)
4-10 Arimidex 0.25mg every other day (increase if needed towards end of cycle)
Starting PCT:
10-24 Dynamic Formulas after cycle 2 caps before bed
10-18 2 caps at night of anabeta elite
10-16 Forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and 5 pumps am for the first 4 weeks (taper down to 3 pumps am and pm for the last 2 weeks)
12-16 DAA 1 full serving every day
16-20 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day (more for maintenance after everything is all done)
20-24 SARMS s4 25mg twice a day (using this the same way I am with bridge)
I appreciate any advice/help you guys come up with. Thank you for your time. …P.S. I was thinking on running anavar 10 days after my last test-e injection…how do you all feel about that?
All supplements
Beta Alanine
Fish oils
n2 guard
tudca - 250
dynamic formulas after cycle
dynamic formulas after cycle
bridge (end of cycle for maintenance)
anabeta elite
sarm s4