Admin moved to the “off topic” section but may be relevant for you. Stop before it’s too late and pick a better hobby. Try some CBT and learn about yourself, family of origin, potential trauma and how it impacts you. For some of us it’s too late.
How old do you need to be to go into combat? I think it’s seventeen?
I’d be less concerned about brain damage from one cycle. Far more concerned about never recovering properly, which if one looks at the data available is waaaaayyyyy, wwwaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy more common than most would think
The “one cycle” notion is BS. 99% of those who cycle once will go on to do it again… and again… And again… Until they run into health complications down the road or die.
“But trt for life isn’t an issue”
yes it is… Availability becomes a concern wherever you go, travel is a hassle, costs and scar tissue add up, having kids someday might be a hassle etc
It’s an unnecessary burden that you probably don’t want.
Going off/pct is going to mess with your mental health/studies acutely… It’s gonna be the pits, something one generally isn’t cut out to handle during college/young adulthood, a time of which in itself is stressful enough at the best of times.
It has been my experience that AAS cycles are two steps forward (on cycle) followed by one step backwards (off cycle).
So… When you hit the “natural” plateau and have tried a few training changes, if you understand the benefit/risk ratio, try a cycle on low dosage of AAS’s. Then see where you settle out.
[It is a simple PDCA process cycle from Deming: Plan, Do, Check, Act]
Another common route, is they end up on TRT (usually towards the higher end), and are on for life, and are okay with a pretty good amount of muscle, but not as big as a blast and cruise guy. I only am willing to do a few more blasts, as I don’t think I can hold a ton more muscle on my cruise dose of 175 mg/wk (was doing 200 mg, but cut it down a bit, and went to EOD injections). I just don’t see a point to rent gains and blow up and shrink down a couple times a year.
Your final statement of “reach my natural limit sooner and will be happy” says a lot. The limit you reach on a cycle is NOT your natural limit and telling yourself that is only a lie to justify starting a cycle to begin with.
I do agree yes it is one of my justifications to start a cycle.
However I disagree as I know I haven’t reached my natural limit and AAs will help me reach this no?
From all my research etc this is what I have concluded too, that they can in fact help you reach both your natural limit (keep most of gains if like me you haven’t reached that limit yet) and help you surpass your natural limit.
Thank you for your advice I will definitely act upon it.
In regards to being happy with how I look I must agree you are right, ever since starting training at 15-16 I never was satisfied as I progressed.
I just pray by doing this correctly I’ll be satisfied and won’t cycle for many many years down the line. I don’t have the intention of cruising and blasting anytime in my life, but I pray I don’t fuck up.
What I am saying is, have not reached your genetic potential naturally. You want to inject something into your body to help you grow faster and stronger.
So saying I want to reach my NATURAL limit sooner, contradicts the above. You are your own person and I 100% agree with you being within your rights to inject or do whatever you want. But understand, you are no longer going to be considered “natty”.
Oh shit you got a point I just realised how it contradicts.
Hmmm that is a very true point, but in all fairness I completely agree it is dumb to do but I will go ahead with it, it’s weird ik it’s not the right time and I can hold off etc but I just want too and to be fair that’s an indicator for me that I’m still young and dumb, but I think my mind has been made up unfortunately it annoys me to say the least. I am still very excited nonetheless
This is a good read and worth the time and $$ investment. My hypothesis is I started using these tools a little too late but for a younger person whose neural pathways are more plastic perhaps the treatment may stick better long term?
Sounds like your mind is made up. You’re getting pretty close to some of these guys telling you stop looking for someone to tell it’s ok to make the mistake they’re telling you not to. I do agree that you are young, many of these guys did the same thing at your age. I can tell you as someone that didn’t start until later in life, looking back I’m glad I didn’t. The mind-F you get with AAS can be intense. If I would have done this as a 20 year old I would have screwed my body to hell. What kept me from it at your age is I wanted kids and didn’t want tits. I waited until the kids were done, got checked, levels were shit so started TRT. That was a fast path to blasting. If I would have had this insane mindset back then, I never would have accomplished everything I have, it would have been even more all encompassing than it is now. So, from a guy that started late, take a few steps back. If you’re going to continue, do enough research to look at the long term effects on health so you know what you are risking. If you are knowingly going to take the risks, the gents on here have already informed you.
Amen, was surrounded by AAS users at OP’s age and never took the plunge and glad I didn’t for the reasons you lay out very well. Some people have good judgement at an early age and some don’t.
I get it honestly, in all honesty you guys have been great told me the risks, etc.
Will one cycle truly wreck permanent havoc? This is what I’m struggling to get my head round, I don’t want to blast and cruise at all at any age.
Simply increasing the Nucli in my muscles and being able to keep that is in-fact proven, and one cycle done properly, I struggle to see how that affects my Brain and Endocrine system indefinitely?
I hope I’m asking the right questions here?
Mate f the kids after this breakup I’ve had kids are the last thing I ever want honestly.
I don’t know maybe I’m just depressed and shit and want to juice lord knows, just want to go about this the right way safely and come off safely and keep as much as I want.
But I understand for some it may be too much but I pray I’m gonna get through this okay and come out the other side unharmed, I guess I’ll see afterwards. But I don’t want to blast and cruise ever hence just maybe 3-5 cycles in my lifetime if even that? Truly I have calculated and thought this through I feel
Hope you don’t change your mind in 10-20 years, that’s a long stretch ahead of you that you may be messing up now. More power to you, you’re not the first guy doing them at 20. Plenty of stories to read about,
It won’t be one cycle. You will come off. Lose some gains and right back on you’ll go. It’s not a sprint. Train for a few more years and then bring this back to the table.
No one can put into words the psychological addiction you will experience if you drastically increase in muscle and strength. Control of that addiction will be one of the most difficult challenges you will ever experience.
There’s an old business saying that applies a little differently concerning AAS’s: “Nothing fails like success.” Too many successful bodybuilders have taken years, or even decades off their life span by being more successful than they could manage safely.
Bro on my mother’s life i get what you are saying and the psychological addiction is there but I genuinely don’t want to hop on a cycle for a very long time
I have accepted the fact I will lose almost 50% of what I gain or maybe keep 80% who knows only time will tell.
I can tell you for a fact I couldn’t care less if I lose some as long as I Keep a good amount I am satisfied.
As for hoping on cycle straight after…. Not a chance take my word for it. Hopefully ill live to tell the story
And I’m in pure agreement with yourself, it will be hard but I have no interest in cycling for many years not till I’m at least 26+ and even then very unlikely.
But I really appreciate all you guys tryna push me in the right direction, I guess when you’re young and dumb it’s hard to listen. But I pray I don’t regret this choice.
It’s absolutely possible, and debatably likely.