30 years old male . 190 cm height / 101kg
I have a long story of steroid abuse starting from 18 or 19 years old ,don’t remember exactly . From 18/19 till 25 i used every possible supplement on the market , and 3-4 times per year i took only oral steroid cycles for 30-40 days (stanozolol and anavar and all kinds of prohormones - like epistane,superdrol etc…) I never made PCT (with hcg,clomide or nolva) only used tribulus after cycle . Every year the same . I was totally unaware of what PCT is
Then at 25 i crashed hard after one long oral cycle (3-4 months stanozolole with anavar with oxyelite and tons of other supplements ) - I got depressed , anxious , ocd , like couldnt get out of home for 2 months probably … isolating socially etc …
Since then I am feeling not the same . I started reading a lot , visited all kind of doctors possible .
So i tried restarting first with clomid - lh / fsh went up , total testosterone went to 600 ( using 12.5 mg ed for 30 days ) … then crashed again to 250 .
Then when I was 26 years old because i was totally unfunctional i made 3-4 months cycle with testosterone cypionate , masteron , anavar and hcg … then good PCT with 4 months HGH . I felt good during the cycle and during the PCT with HGH , after that crashed again .
So … from 26 till today (30 years old) i was trying to fix my health - i have personal nutritionist , personal trainer etc … I have probably over 30 Bloodworks…
The last four years i tried Several HPTA restarts , took several times low dose HGH …every time was crashing after . This year(2019) i have not taken any supplement or steroids or pill.
Only healthy eating , training , working .
I will post my last bloodwork from last month with this post .
I am 100% fertile , i tested myself this year in fertility clinic.
My current symptoms are
Very Very Low Libido (no problem with Erection)
Light depression and anxiety with some ocd
sparse facial hair (never grown full beard) … probably because I am blond , dont know .
I dont have any known illnesses . I am colorblind and flatfeet . Have some fat around abdomen and waist … nothing major .
I will upload pics from when I was 25years old on steroids and now
I dont know what to do - to feel better - TRT ?
I will wait for your advices , may be someone will see something what I and the doctors are missing .
Thank you !