First Cycle, Test E and Anadrol. Advice For Dumb 20 Year Old?

Then don’t do it.

IMO, they aren’t worth doing until you are willing to stay on. You can feel great on a reasonable cruise dosage after a cycle (I and others feel better than on blast). Cycling results in feeling great for 3 months, and shit for 3 months. Sure, you might keep 50% of your gains, but you would have gotten 25% of the initial gains if you didn’t cycle to begin with.

I guess you never know what is going to happen with a cycle. You may need TRT, or you may be fine. I guess what I am saying, is don’t do it, if you are not ready for the potential of blast and cruise, or TRT. If you don’t have that level of commitment, it probably isn’t for you.


Wow what a thread, I just read them all….

Can I just say this is the best forum I’m really getting educated.

In all honesty this has not put me off but it has made me much much more cautious…

Definitely have a clearer understanding of the risks. To be fair never knew it could be that bad from one cycle

I live in the uk so i don’t know if something goes wrong free healthcare I guess?

I understand fully what you mean.

I really have no intention blasting and crusing as the damage it can do isn’t what I’m willing to give in too.

However everyone says the gains in your first cycle are crazy and I just want to get a boost and carry on with my lifting life.

Is what I’m searching for really that bad and naive ?
Like I feel like I’m causing offence to everyone almost

I don’t think you’re offending anyone, but you have been given some really good advice and reasoning as to why this is a bad idea and yet you insist on carrying on with the cycle.

Based on your comments about depression, I think you should get your mind right first, because AAS can cause more psychological issues as well.

You have been told and shown why you should not cycle, and you have been given the best advice on how to carry out a cycle that you shouldn’t pursue. You have all of the information you need


Well, they eat like crazy, and most hold a ton of water on cycle. They might be up 20-25 lbs, but they will lose a lot very quickly. Out of the 10 lbs they hold onto, how much of it is fat? They were probably eating in a big surplus for 3 months, so I assume some of it.

The gains are also related to how developed you are to start with. I know some good lifters that really didn’t gain more than 3-5 lbs of muscle on their first blasts. These guys knew how to train and eat. Both of these guys had pulled over 700 lbs. One now is in the 800s at 220 lbs body weight. They had exhausted their newbie gains, and the 500 mg/wk test just didn’t do as much as they expected.

The more developed you are the harder it is. A total newb will gain more muscle, than someone close to their potential on the same cycle on average.

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Thank you for the advice and words of caution

I will deffo take everything into account a lot of what has been said hasn’t gone over my head.

I appreciate the help

Ofcourse I agree with you there.

I guess I’ll just hit this cycle sort my bloods, do it properly and see the results if any, I am a lot less excited and ambitious now than I was at the start of this thread

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The more I learn about this stuff, the less I want to do, and I don’t even worry about recovering HPTA as I am a blast and cruise guy (started on TRT though a clinic for low T).

I’ve got a few blasts left in me, but once I get to the point that I can’t hold those gains on cruise, I will cease to keep going. Sure, the blasts can increase the amount you can hold especially if cruising, but I don’t think it is as much as some people think.

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Bingo. Unfortunately you are afflicted with a pretty good IQ.

@bash80979 , go find a couple of hard-training AAS hobbyists in your gym. Train with them for 6 months, eat right, BUT don’t do the AAS. Come back in 6 month and report on your progress.

Also, embrace the CBT even though it doesn’t look too sexy to you right now. That means it’s good for you.



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No you haven’t thought this through. You are 20 and dumb (EDIT: sorry I should say ignorant), which is to be expected and not a judgment just a reality. The rule at 20 is to make sure you don’t do things that will impact you negatively at 30 and 40. Your profile says you are studying so go study and make some money so you can spend it on AAS in your 40s like all these high rollers in here. But by that time you may have some sense, some kids, disposable income, and education, etc. Or suit yourself.


My first cycle was Sust 500mg for 10 weeks and Anadrol for the first 4 (50mg daily). Worked really well for me, but by the 3rd week I was tired of the A bombs (zero appetite, some nausea, just blah). Can’t imagine 12 weeks worth, but to start a cycle off, I like it.

I remember believing this lol …

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I really like your phrasing here.

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Hey @bash80979, I’ll give you some timely advice which I in your situation would follow at least (if you don’t listen to the guys telling you to wait).

A break up is bad, but the way you feel now about relationships will probably not last. What won’t last in all likelihood is especially your feeling towards having kids. That’s not something you are done with because of a bad breakup. It’s one of the biggest decisions you can make in your life and you know that or you will. So don’t jump the gun on your future decision making with that.

Secondly, it is not a good idea to go into such an endeavor which will undoubtedly at times take great mental strength and calm decision making, with a messed up mind and in such an emotional shape. Never go into psychoactive or addictive substances with or because of depression and emotional trauma. The changes that happen hormonally are a lot to handle, especially during PCT for many guys, and the worse you go into it, the worse you’ll come out on the other side.

You need to have a clear head, emotional stability and your life and training all in check for this to work out as it should. Chances are just better that way.

If you are set on doing it, please wait a few months to feel better and more in control again.

This is solid advice:

I want to add that you are 18 years old. I know you feel grown up, I did. But your body is not. You are not fully matured. Your mind is far from being the one of a grown up. Sex steroids have a pronounced impact on development of teenagers, you don’t want to mess with your natural development now.

Worst case, you could halt your further bodily development because of long term damage to your endocrine system and simultaneously lose the most important years in conscious cognitive development (17-22 yo) because of your hormones being out of whack and your mind not being able to handle anything else.

What’s so bad about waiting 3 years? You are young. Male attractiveness has been shown to increase until ~35 if you stay in shape. So why do it at the worst time possible? You are already in great shape I think. Why not get the chicks with that and a clear head, train natural for 3 more years and then hop on the one way steroid train?


When I was 20 I thought I was grown up and had life figured out. When I hit 25 I realized I knew nothing at 20 and now I had it all figured out. 29 now, and have come to the conclusion that I don’t have a clue what’s going on :joy:. It’s funny how much you can change/mature in just a few short years. I’m a completely different person than I was at 20 and 25. Like total 180. Of course everyone told me this and I didn’t believe it. Just had to live and learn the hard way.


Thank you for the advice

I acknowledge everything and I will deffo wait a few months for my mental to settle. I’m 20 at the moment but I understand not much different from 18.

I appreciate the advice and will definitely act upon it, just hard I guess when the gym is my only release and it’s not even helping me as much as it used to.

I’ll wait a few months till October time and re evaluate if I still want to do one cycle, hopefully I’ll be better suited then I’ll be almost 21 as well by then

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I guess I’m going down the same path as all you guys just live and learn

There is a reason everyone goes through this despite hearing it time and time again we acknowledge that we still may understand our selves fully despite still being young.

It’s a weird one and I do understand 5 years down the line I’ll be totally different ofcourse

I lived and learned, but never did steroids till I got on TRT… but plenty of alcohol and recreational drugs.

Best case scenario you come out jacked and happy, it’s the worst case scenario that should scare you.

In the end you’re going to do what ever you want so just quit posting the “idk man… I know it’s wrong but I really wanna do it”. Just stfu and do it or don’t. start a training journal on here and let us know watch you grow in admiration or watch the shit show unfold. Both are fun.

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And @wanna_be 's best case scenario you come out jacked, you can also cycle and not get the expected returns. Then you’ll do it again thinking it’ll be better. Then again. I’ve done a few cycles, I don’t look like Jay Cutler (football player or bodybuilder for that matter). I’ve gained ten pounds in over a year of muscle, not one cycle but three small ones. For me at 20, not worth it, not sure it’s worth it later in life. I didn’t get the 20 pounds we all hope for, certainly not after one cycle. What I’m learning from these cycles is I may be happiest with TRT, again, after life and medical issues have moved me here. Best of luck, you’ll figure it out, hang in there.

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