I’m not on a cycle, nor am I thinking of doing one anytime soon until I am sure I have a bill of clean health. I’m merely stating I have enough test to run one if I get a bill of clean health. Currently just on TRT, nothing else. I can see how the original post could’ve been misinterpreted, I’ve since fixed it up, either way I wouldn’t be running a “cycle” even if I had a clean bill of health for at least another 3-4 months. I did want to up my TRT dose to 200mg/wk though, because I feel very good on it, still though, need a clean bill of health… Althooouuuuuggghhh I might not ever need to cycle again regardless as I’ve found a few places that, if I have a semi clean bill of health (once again this will be related to the results I get tommorow and some other stuff I’ll know in about a month or so) I can get peptides and stuff legitimately prescribed to me with monitering (which would be rather irresponsible of me to pursue… But… Nope I have nothing to justify that)
There’s a decent chance I’ll never be able to use anything again, I don’t believe my health issues were caused by the little amount of AAS I used for a short period of time though, literature doesn’t back it up (time exposed to AAS less than 20 weeks, dose never escalated over 250mg/wk) I believe I’m just unlucky.
Most likely scenario here is some type of sympathetic nervous system dysfunction (think POTS), or an abnormal electrical pathway (Wolff Parkinson’s white syndrome or something), pots isn’t serious, WPWS is and would probably require cardiac ablation… Which has the potential to cause another set of complications
I actually find out tommorow if there’s anything wrong, how serious the issue may be and whatnot, so stay tuned @The_Myth
To be honest as time goes by I’m becoming slightly less concerned about my health status, I think regardless of what I do I’ll probably end up biting the dust at a young age, this statement could be considered a cop out of sorts or a way of me justifying me doing stupid, irresponsible shit, however considering I don’t tend to do stupid irresponsible shit I’d say it’s just what I think, and so far I’ve been fairly right, things do seem to go wrong alot of the time. At least I don’t have cancer or something terminal though, so I can keep my head up about that.
The nervous system dysfunction theory pans out the most though, as some of my chronic pain (some, not all) is related to nervous system dysfunction, with certain pathways (or so I’ve been told) being overstimulated and others understimulated. The anaemia would also exacerbate a fast heart rate, as would my hypotension (which beta blockers would also exacerbate… But they slow down HR so catch 22 there), and anxiety can fuck with HR
On a side note, when I saw you’re username “the myth” I thought you were Lee Priest and I was like “holy shit that’s Lee Priest” so I clicked on you’re profile and it says in the description you’re from/ in NY so you aren’t Lee Priest BUT it was nonetheless interesting as I’m going to be in NY in a few days, then I’ll be derpling all over the place for a few weeks.