Hey @physiolojik how do I rid myself of excess acne? Im getting my pre-teen acne back, I’ve never had much acne, there was a phase or two when I was like twelve and it seems as it’s come back to around the extent it was back then. Granted it might not seem like much acne but it’s still more than I’d like, the photo doesn’t do much justice but if you zoom in you can see tons of blackheads and pimples on my back.
It’s my back and shoulders where it’s been the worse, my face is almost spotless, I shower 2-3 times a day and I wash. I’m aware the more androgenic steroids can cause acne due to hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands and whatnot, Anavar never gave me acne, nandrolone never gave me acne, just test, anyhow I was wondering if there’s anything I can do at all, it isn’t the cosmetic side of it that bothers me, it’s the fact that some of the pimples become itchy so I tend to scratch at them, I’ve got two on the side of my head that have become like … Bloody so Yeet.
Secondly is there a reason my back and chest tend to grow faster than my arms, is it genetic? I appear to have a good response to even low doses of anabolic steroids, given that I put on 5kg in under 10 wks from 250mgs of test… Or maybe I just train and eat well. My back has always been … A highlight, that and my shoulders and chest, arms lag behind significantly. Sucks, if my joints weren’t so shitty I’d totally go balls out and try compete and shit (still gonna compete, but I can’t go very high up with my shitty joints or I’ll end up like fucking Ronnie Coleman). Anyway I think I’m doing well considering I haven’t even been back in the game for a year and I can’t compete. When I finish up my cycle I’m gonna post pics of my back flexed, my legs, arms and all that jazz again to compare. I think I’ve made significant progress so far, aside from my triceps, they won’t… Fucking … Groooowww
To anyone following, I hit 74.9kg and I’ve decided to cut, the cycle ends in like two weeks, in which I’m going back to 140mgs/wk for five weeks then I’m cruising at 200mgs of whatever, probably testosterone, unless I cut my test in half and add a low dose of something else, still totalling 200mgs/wk, However I have no reason to do so at the moment. The cut started like two weeks ago, and I’m starting to see more definition so that’s good, but the scale won’t budge, so I’m just going by looks.