Testosterone. However I like Dr. Mike’s views on oral only (Var or Dbol) for a newbie. But, like already, stats, age background, literally any context would be helpful
Unless you have an MD after your name you should refrain from putting Dr. in front of your name unless you are at a scientific conference in your field maybe.
He is not an MD and thoughtful people with PhDs really don’t go by Dr unless they are German or in a lecture hall. It’s somewhat misleading to laypersons.
The AP stylebook, a writing guide used by major U.S. publications including Newsweek, also suggests that the term doctor should not be used by those with academic doctoral degrees.
Its latest edition reads: “Use Dr. in first reference as a formal title before the name of an individual who holds a doctor of dental surgery, doctor of medicine, doctor of optometry, doctor of osteopathic medicine, doctor of podiatric medicine, or doctor of veterinary medicine.”
It adds: “Do not use Dr. before the names of individuals who hold other types of doctoral degrees.”
I’ve encountered this a few times. I usually think “what a douche”. It’s to bad I don’t have a Masters degree, because I would demand they call me Master Ben if they want to be called Dr. whatever.
Moral of the story, it’s probably a good thing I don’t have a Master’s degree, because HR would have a field day.
We’ve been pounded with “oral only is bad” and “where’s your test base” and I agree with that for certain compounds. I wouldn’t run Primo or Anadrol or Tren without Test in there. But once you know what the test is doing (basically making sure you ahve enough e2) you can start thinking about when you can drop it. And DBol would do what injected test does (just worse for you) and Var has been studied alone a ton with minimal impact to HPTa at around 20mg or less. So let’s assume at 50-75mg daily you’d have suppression eventually, but I bet you could get 6-8 weeks out of it to “test the waters” before that happens.
There’s some nuance there, and that gets lost a lot on the internet and social media