Hello guys, thats my first 12 weeks cycle im planning doing. I have put a lot of research in it as you can see. Always opened in advices and what to fix.
1-4 week:
750mg test e week
750mg deca week
150mg mast week
20mg dbol day
40mg epistane day
5-7 week:
325mg test e week
750mg deca week
150mg masteron week
30mg anavar day
60mg epistane day
8-9 week:
325mg test e week
325mg deca week
150mg masteron week
This is waaaay overkill for a first cycle. stick with test only, along with 1 oral at a time. Otherwise, you won’t know for the future which compounds work well for you and which do not.
I would never, EVER run Deca in a first cycle. That’s just stupid. You clearly have not done ENOUGH research.
What made you decide to run such a heavy cycle for your first time? Did someone suggest this cycle to you? Also, why do you switch from d bol to anavar at week 5, and then only run anavar for 3 weeks?
Finally: How big/strong are you? And what are your goals? Give us an idea of what sort of level you’re at in terms of lifting. How long have you been doing it?
I counter all the side effects of Deca, I might change pct also and and add HCG from the beggining to the last day of my cycle. I have done search of course and you can see it. Its a recompo cycle.
I wanted to go heavy since first cycle is the cycle that does wonders and I wont change that no matter what or… i will change things if someone have scientology facts that its gonna ruin my entire life. I might change from 750mg to 500mg per week.