First Cycle: 12 Weeks, Test E + DBol

So I’m 22 years old, have been lifting almost 9 years, my diet and training are fine.

I would run 500mg/w of Test E (250mg twice a week- Monday and Thursday)
Thinking to add DBol in the middle of cycle (week 6-10) 40mg daily, but maybe I will do just Test.

Also I want to run HCG (week 4-12) 250iu E4D and Arimidex (week 3-12) .25mg EOD.

Nolva for PCT (week 15-18) 40mg/d first 2 weeks, 20mg/d last 2 weeks.

Weight 225lbs
Height 5.9ft

Bench 330lbs 2 reps
Deadlift 530lbs 3 reps
Squat 440lbs 1 rep(weak)

Goals: I compete in bodybuilding and powerlifting last 4 years but now I need to push limits for more succes. I want to gain at least 10-15bs from this cycle and take muscles to better quality and improve my lifts.


  1. It is okay to run arimidex from 3rd week? I think so, becase Test E starts aromatizing after 4-5 week, just want to know your opinion.
  2. Would you run DBol in the middle of cycle too? (This is my first cycle)

Actual shape

I’d stick with the test only, but the time you’re thinking about adding the dbol is probably better than 99% of all the other guys who try to add it to a first run.

As for the arimidex timing…use it if you need it. You may need it pretty early on, you may never need it at all. Everyone is a little different. But one thing is for sure, testosterone does not start aromatizing after 4-5 weeks. It starts immediately. Within an hour of your injection. Whoever told you that was not being truthful.

Thanks for the response. Yeah I also think It’s better for adding it in the middle of cycle…I will think about it, I’m in the preparation for my next powerlifting contest, so I think it would be good for more strenght.

Haha, it told me one long-user who is also competing and looks very good, but I will trust YOU. I’m thinking to run just nolva during cycle (in the case of aromatase), but surely will have arimidex for hand.

Btw: Sorry, if my English isn’t good, I’m an European.

Do you by any chance know what your body fat is? Like an accurate body fat not a bathroom scale body fat.

I ask because we have very similar builds I’m a couple inches taller. Just curious as to where your at.

I’m about 12-14%, I’m not actually that fat, my diet is very clean all year. Have just one cheat meal once a 2 weeks.

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Look, abs are still visible :smiley: ! (Off season shape)

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Much better Pic. I’m 6 foot 220-230 ish. My bod pod test put me at 14% BF my bathroom scale puts me at 22%. My build is very similar just a tad bit smaller size wise.

Dude, you’re a beast natty. Can’t imagine how much more you’ll get once you start cycling.

Thank you! :slight_smile: Hard work all those years. I will definitely post a progress!