Hey guys been a long time lurker first time registering n posting
Just saying thank all you guys on here for all the useful information that I have gathered about AAS usage and other things I would of never of known without reading up. But I still have a lot more to learn and research.
Current cycle
500mg test E 10 weeks
0.25 arimidex EOD (1-12weeks tapering down last two weeks)
PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 (week 13 onwards)
Clomind 50/50/35/35 (week 13 onwards)
currently on week 8 feeling great strength is up…macros are more or less on point everyday 261Carbs/293Protien/68Fat
Weight is starting to plateau seem to be hovering around 89-90kgs would it be wise to increase my macros even more? even though i’m gaining a bit of fat
Bloating (not sure if its fat gains aswell) Doing 20 min cardio n less sodium seems to help a lot.
any critique or advice would be great and helpful??
There’s a chance that your body has become used to the dosage IF your diet / training are on point. I know that after 8-9 weeks on 500mg of Test, I was plateauing due to this reason. You’ve got less than 2 weeks left, so I would honestly just continue to train hard. Try not to put on too much fat; if anything, up the intensity of your workouts if you don’t have any extra test to bump in these last couple pins.
Hey man… I am planning out my first cycle of Test E 250 E3D for 10 weeks, while reverse dieting from my competition last weekend… I am going to be a first time AAS user (run about 9 PH cycles), but ill explain my journey and logic some day… Finally I feel ready to be a man and jump in… LOL Keep up the good work! Our protocol’s will be very similar…
Thanks for the input guys much appreciated. Yes i was reading up n people said they top out week 9 either up doses or add oral or expect slow gains. Seems like Cxtucker has a point here cheers.
Ill keep it simple and wont get carried away with numbers n keep training/diet on point.
Deako u look like ur in good shape already keep up the good work also! Keep me filled in with progress
Im up 7kgs so far from where i was quite happy gona see how much of that is muscle after pct also bloodwork done from doctors