Have my first contest this sunday (persuaded by a much stronger friend on 3 weeks notice!)
Age 23 Height 5 ft 7 Weight 145lbs (145lb class)
Paused Bench 185
Deadlift 375
Squat 265
Two questions for the experienced among you…
The week of a meet (or specifically a few days out) how should you be training? I was thinking 3/4 days out reducing the volume and maybe just focusing on some plyometrics because i lack explosiveness
How do you competitive lifters eat given you want to compete in a certain class? For example im in 145lbs which is light, but I do have annoying bits of fat left on my lower abs and lower chest only. I dont think that fat is doing anything useful - do I try to lose it, or just focus on strength? The next weight class is 20lbs above so I feel i should maximise my muscle in my class given my short height.
Any feedback really appreciated!
Don’t worry about your weight.
I used to do very little the week before a meet but have begun going up to my last planned warm up a few days out on squats and bench but I leave deadlift alone. Keep the volume and intensity low.
I have a meet this Saturday, and I just warmed up and did 5 reps at about 5% of my opener today. On Thursday. I will do a set or two of 10 pushups and bodyweight squats. Eat how you would normally eat. If you change your nutrition on meet day, you won’t know how your body will react. Open light, and don’t worry about hitting impressive numbers…Its your first meet. Sure long term it would be nice to get rid of some excess fat and gain some more muscle, but that can’t happen in a few days. Just go and have fun.
Eat and rest. If you lift, nothing above 75% for a single. Just go have fun.
thanks for the advice
in the end i hit a 120kg squat 85kg bench and 180kg deadlift. i underestimated my squat and bench and should have gone heavier but it was only the first meet.
I was thinking of milking a basic 5x5 routine for 3x a week because i am still a beginner…does this sound fair?
i feel like no need to be doing anything more until i squat 140, bench 100 etc?
Don’t base how you will train around some arbitrary set of numbers. Train however you need to train in order to get bigger and stronger. If you can deadlift 800lbs doing Korte’s 3x3, then do that. If 5/3/1 helps you break out of a bench plat at 100 kilos, then use that.
Setting limits on when you will use certain training principles only sets you up to fail. Be ready and willing to use whatever you need whenever you need it.