First Caveman...Now Mountain Man

I would be very surprised if this video wasn’t something of a joke…
He has a good physique but appears to be a tool.

I wonder if the beard gets caught between the bar and his chest when bench pressing…

If you badass…check this out:

[quote]WS4JB wrote:
im most interested in how long it took him to grow the beard[/quote]

I was given the gift of beard (by Chuck Norris himself, in case you’re wondering), and at the rate mine grows, it would take me at least 6 months to get it that long.

I should have watched that in private. Those at the computers next to me were so confused that I laughed SO HARD. Somebody get that man a loaf of Wonder Bread.
Oh, and, yet again, to DB.

serial killer

Ok… from what I’ve been reading, this guy is a hero at the misc forum.

I don’t understand how eating an egg whole makes you a badass. Infants, while going through the “oral” stage of developemnt, aren’t beyond grabbing animal poop off the ground and tasting it. Eating an egg whole is not beyond the capability of ONE single person on this forum.

When somebody takes down a a rabid pitbul by hand, then I’ll be impressed.

Now with the negative out of the way, I’ll give him props for working hard and staying lean.

[quote]-ck wrote:
dollarbill44 wrote:
Here’s his story:

One day, a really fat, out of shape man took his dog for a walk. He came upon a tree and decided to sit down for a little nap. When he awoke, his dog was nowhere to be seen, he had a very long beard and he was completely ripped and muscular.


Haha…Ripped Van Winkle??[/quote]

Nice. Best post nominee.


I feel like we have another Benny Podda on our hands with all of this talk of what “hard core” means:

[quote]Miserere wrote:
If you badass…check this out:

That apple looked delicious before he crushed it. That vid made me more hungry than anything else.

[quote]WS4JB wrote:
I saw a video of him eating a raw egg, shell and all.

He’s so fricken hardcore.

im most interested in how long it took him to grow the beard, thats what impresses me most. You think when he goes out to the bars he still pulls ?


pulls on his beard, of course.

Where’s his wheels?

C’mon guys give him a chance. The guy can at least sing. Doesn’t that make you 13.675% more of a badass. Check out his songs under the tab “more from this user”.


[quote]BigRagoo wrote:
Where’s his wheels?[/quote]

You guys sound like a bunch of chicks. The guy looks like he’s worked hard, and he does know how to stay lean.

So he knows how to light a picture to accentuate. And, after going over to, it appears he’s bright at promoting himself. Good for him. Curb the jealousy for chrissakes.

Why did he eat the shell???

More importantly… This kid thought he was good enough to post a video of himself.

[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
More importantly… This kid thought he was good enough to post a video of himself.


Worse still are the words of encouragement on his website. No wonder he thinks he’s the shit even though he doesn’t look as though he works out.

You know how when little kids play "Batman or “Spiderman” they do the front double bicep pose they recognize to showcase their playtime virility?

[quote]Mr. Clean & Jerk wrote:
You know how when little kids play "Batman or “Spiderman” they do the front double bicep pose they recognize to showcase their playtime virility?

15 y/o natural bodybuilder ... been training for 5 weeks - YouTube [/quote]

I hate assholes.

[quote]Mr. Clean & Jerk wrote:
You know how when little kids play "Batman or “Spiderman” they do the front double bicep pose they recognize to showcase their playtime virility?

15 y/o natural bodybuilder ... been training for 5 weeks - YouTube [/quote]

I can’t wait to see how he looks when he’s trained…pffff…I don’t know…10 weeks!? If that’s him at 5 weeks, at 10 he’ll be unbelievable. This time next year he’ll be Mr O., I tell ya!