Thanks for the link guys, good thread! But is that Kingsbeef guy natural?
Anyways I like these…
…6 day split, hitting muscle 2x per week, push/pull/legs…
*1 set to failure for each exercise except where otherwise noted
*rest 90-120 secs between ramp sets and up to 3 mins before final set to failure
*should be able to finish these workouts in an hour or less
Monday - Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s
Lo Incline Dumbbell Press- 3x4-8
Decline Barbell Press- 2x6-10
Seated overhead Barbell press- 3x6-10
Cable Lateral raises- 3x6-10
Shrugs- 3x6-10
Lying Behind the head extensions- 3x6-10
1 arm overhead extensions- 2x6-10
Tuesday - Back/Bi’s/Calves
Weighted Pull ups- 3x4-6
Seated straight bar Rows- 3x8-10
Pinwheel Curls- 3x4-8
Incline curls- 3x4-8
Standing Calf Raises- 3x4-8 (2)
Leg Press Calf Raises- 2x12-15
Wednesday - Legs/Abs
Seated Leg Curls- 3x6-10
RDL’s- 3x6-10
Leg Press- 3x6-10
Front Squats- 3x4-8
Weighted crunches- 3x12-15
Weighted planks- 3x30secs (weight on lowerback/glutes)
Thursday - Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s
Flat Dumbbell Press- 3x4-8
Incline Barbell Press- 2x6-10
Seated Overhead dumbbell Press- 3x6-10
Dumbbell lateral raises- 3x6-10
Machine Dips- 3x6-10
French Press (can you tell I love these?)- 2x6-10
Friday - Back/Bi’s/Calves
Barbell Rows- 3x6-10
Straight bar Pulldowns (shoulder with grip)- 3x6-10
Alt Dumbbell Curls- 3x6-10
Reverse Preacher curls- 2x6-10
Seated Calf Raises-5x6-12 (3)
Saturday - Legs/Abs
Lying Leg curls- 3x4-8
Single Leg curls- 2x6-10
Squats- 3x6-10
Hack Squats (close stance)- 3x6-10
Cable Rope crunches- 3x12-15
Weighted leg raises- 2x12-15
Monday - Chest/Tris
Incline dumbbell Press - 2x4-8
Flat Barbell Press - 2x4-8 (1xacc)
Dips - 2x4-8 (2xacc)
Pushdowns - 2x4-8
French Press - 2x4-8 (1 10 rep set just to make sure elbows are ready)
Tuesday - Back/Bis
Barbell Rows - 3x4-8
Neutral grip Pulldowns - 2x4-8
Medium Grip pulldowns - 1x4-8
Seated Rows - 2x4-8
Pinwheels - 2x4-8
Alternating Dumb curls - 2x4-8
Wednesday - Legs (slow negatives!)
Lying Leg Curls - 2x4-8
RDL’s - 2x4-8 (warmup again)
Cybex Leg Press - 2x4-8 (warmup)
Leg Press - 2x4-8 (1xacc)
Hack Squat - 2x4-8 (1xacc)
Thursday - Shoulders
Seated OH Barbell Press (ass slid forward so it’s more like a super high incline press) - 2x4-6
Seated Dumbbell Press - 2x4-8
Cable Laterals - 3x6-8
Dumbbell Laterals - 1x6-8
Rear Delt raises on inlcine bench - 3x12-15
Friday - Traps/Calves/Abs/Forearms
Shrugs - 3x4-8
Standing calf raises - 3x4-8
Seated calf raises - 3x4-8
Cable Crunches - 2x10-15
Weighted Leg Raises - 3x10-15
Reverse wrist curls - 2x8-10
Behind Back wrist curls - 2x8-10